Need grain tested for GMO's? The following is a list of some public and private labs that currently provide testing for the presence of GMO's in grain crops. Some of these labs can evaluate crops for a wider range of GMO's than others.
Genescan USA, Inc. | Biogenetic Services Inc. | California Seed & Plant Lab, Inc. |
Genetic ID | Mid-West Seed Services | Ohio Seed Improvement Association |
AGDIA | Biodiagnostics Inc. | Indiana Crop Improvement |
GMO's have seen a lot of press in the recent past as well as in the present. The following is a sampling of some sites that explore this issue a little further. Our goal is to give you resources covering both sides of the issue and to expose you to the differing sides, opinions and perhaps misconceptions regarding biologically engineered foods and food products.
GMO FAQ - Ohio State
Biotechnology Industry Organization
Information Systems for Biotechnology
Impacts of Adopting Genetically Engineered Crops in the United States - Economic Research Service, USDA
Ag BioSafety - University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Scientific, regulatory and educational materials relevant to crop biotechnology and the current debate on the genetic modification of food.
National Corn Growers Association Biotechnology Page
Feel free to e-mail me any relevant links