Agriculture and Water Quality: How do TMDLs and Edge-of-Field Monitoring fit in?
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This event, focused on water quality, the practices that impact it, and the potential solutions for improving it, will provide insight into edge-of-field research being performed at The Ohio State University, as well as the next steps of the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) process for the Maumee Watershed. Hear what practices are improving and impeding water quality efforts and learn how TMDLs can affect the future of water quality.
Greg LaBarge, Agronomic Systems Field Specialist at OSU – “In-Field
Practices to Reduce Nitrogen and Phosphorus Losses”
Josh Griffin, Lake Erie Programs Manager at Ohio EPA – “Ohio’s TMDL Process and the Maumee Watershed Nutrient TMDL”
DATE: August 4, 2022
TIME: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
LOCATION: Paulding County Extension Building
503 Fairground Drive Paulding, OH 45879