What happens if we eliminate as many yield limiting factors as possible with both corn and soybeans in a small plots area (2-3 rows)? That is the goal of these plots; to take advantage of what the growing season weather offers to be able to capture the highest percentage of yield potential as possible. Keep reading for more management details.
- 40,000 seeds/acre planting rate
- 30" row spacing
- Drip irrigation at flowering and during grain fill
- Up to 240 lbs N
- Foliar fungicide at tasseling and insecticide application to minimize earworm damage
- Foliar micronutrient applications when soil organic matter is 3% or less
- 140,000 seeds/acre planting rate with seed treatment
- Irrigation targeting R3 - R5 growth stages
- Foliar fungicide applied at R3
Questions? Contact Field Specialist Greg LaBarge at labarge.1@osu.edu.