An update for nutrient recommendations for Ohio's major field crops (corn, soybean, wheat, and alfalfa) was published in November 2020 as the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa. The call came in shortly after suggesting that we grow several other crops in Ohio that were not included in this update.
With information from the Tri-State update, discussion with state specialists, and a review of the literature, a FactSheet was created to offer assistance for these other agronomic crops beyond corn, soybean, wheat and alfalfa, titled “Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio”: found on OSU Extension’s OhioLine.
The current philosophy in Ohio for crop nutrient management is to apply phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilizer or manure equivalent at crop removal rates. Additionally, if soil test levels of P and K are below the critical level, then a "Buildup" recommendation would be considered to increase soil test levels into the "Maintenance" range.
Tables provided in the new fact sheet include crop removal values for 18 crops, our new tri-state maintenance ranges, and recommendations for N, P & K for these crops. Critical soil test levels have not been recently evaluated for the additional crops beyond corn, soybean, wheat, and alfalfa; however, it is reasonable to assume that critical soil test values used for crops listed here, and in the updated Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations, can be used as guidance for the small grains and forage crops.
No information is given in this fact sheet for vegetable crops. Please use the information found in the References section for information on where to find out more to develop nutrient recommendations. Consider for these many crops the same philosophy stated here and in the Tri-State update to only apply maintenance (or crop removal) applications of P & K.