The Conservation Tillage and technology Conference annually attracts 900 attendees, who say this is one of the best crop production conferences in Ohio. The program this year will be held March 4th & 5th, in Ada Ohio on the Ohio Northern University campus. Certified Crop Advisers can attend the sessions for continuing education credits again this year. Registration information is posted on the Conservation Tillage Conference website: for everyone – farmers and their crop advisors.
The CTC is an annual 2-day educational program with about 60 speakers in four concurrent sessions. Session titles typically are:
• Corn University
• Soybean School
• Cover Crops
• Nutrient Management
• Soil & Water Quality
• Precision Agriculture
• Planters
• Advanced Scouting Techniques – by CCAs and for CCAs
• No-till Systems
A listing of approved CCA CEUs along with the CCA agenda can be found on the Agronomic Crops website at: CCAs should look over the agenda for the excellent program but can also find those elusive Soil & Water sessions as well as numerous Nutrient Management credits.
• This year on Tuesday March 4th we provide 6.0 CM, 3.5 NM, 3.0 PM and 10.5 SW continuing education credits.
• For Wednesday we have 7.5 CM, 6.5 NM, 0.5 PD, 1.5 PM and 6.5 SW CEUs.
• A total of 45.5 CEUs over the two days – split into four concurrent sessions.
For easier tracking of CEUs the sign in sheet will now contain a QR code so those CCAs with smart phones will be able to scan the QR code to report their CEUs. This means that if they are scanning the QR code, they will not have to fill out the sign-in sheet and their CEUs will be recorded within hours of completing the class. With 4,000 records from past conferences, it took us a while to get through them for posting, so this helps us all. The app can be located by searching on the term: “Certified Crop Adviser” in the Apple or Android app store. A link can also be found here for more information: Because of the high number of CEUs at this program we are asking all CCAs with a smartphone to use this method for reporting.