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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension


C.O.R.N. Newsletter: 2014-17

Crop Observation and Recommendation Network

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.

  1. Preventing pokeweed berry/seed production is an important management tactic.
    Author(s): Mark Loux

    Penn State recently completed a two-year study on pokeweed management in corn and soybeans that provides some useful information.  Some of the highlights:

  2. Asiatic Garden Beetle feeding on corn mesocotyl. (Source: Eric Richer, Ohio State University Extension Fulton County)
    Author(s): Eric Richer, CCA, Andy Michel

    Grubs of the Asiatic Garden Beetle (Maladera castanea) have been making their

  3. Figure 1. “Floppy corn” caused by rootless corn – June 5, 2014 (Source: Sarah Noggle, Ohio State University Extension Paulding County).
    Author(s): Peter Thomison

    Last week I received several reports of “rootless” and “floppy corn” in Paulding County (Figure 1). Rootless corn (or rootless corn syndrome) occurs when there is limited or no

  4. Author(s): Amanda Douridas, CCA

    Assessing soybean diseases and insect pressure can be difficult without proper training and experience. On July 8, 2014 farmers and crop consultants are invited to