The wet pattern that was forecast for our region in June continues as expected. The last week of June will end wetter than normal with many places getting 0.75 - 1.50 inches with isolated totals of several inches. With the high water content in the ground expect low temperatures to average 5-10 degrees above normal but maximum temperatures close to normal mostly in the 80s but some 70s northeast Ohio at times. The first half of July is projected to have above normal temperatures. It will be a humid first half of July. The humidity will keep maximum temperatures in check with most highs below 95. It will also keep low temperatures up in the 65-75 degree range.
With the heat dome to our south and cool pool to our north expect a ring of fire will setup the first half of July from the Dakotas to Minnesota to northern Iowa to Wisconsin to Michigan to northern Indiana to Ohio. The best chances for heavy rain appears to be the northern half of Ohio. Normal rainfall is not far from an inch a week. Indications continue to suggest a turn to drier weather in later July or August. Early harvest season indications are for another wetter than normal fall. This has been a trend for the last decade where autumn harvest seasons can be a challenge getting crops out with wetter than normal conditions and this may occur again this fall. We will update this in the coming weeks to month. You can get the latest soil moisture, hydrologic conditions and outlooks at the NWS Ohio River Forecast Center website of