The Ohio No-Till Field Day will be Sept. 9 at John Buck’s farm in western Marion County (7632 Wildcat Pike, New Bloomington). The emphasis of the program is to provide a systems approach to make continuous no-till successful, not just individual components.
The morning speakers are Barry Fisher, State Agronomist for NRCS in Indiana, Hans Kok, coordinator of the Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative in Indiana, and Ed Winkle, Hymark Consulting, in southwest Ohio.After lunch topics in the field include precision manure application, cover crop plots, high clearance cover crop seeding, and two soil pits.
Speakers include Brad Mattix, Clark Hudson, Ann Brandt, David Brandt, and George Derringer.The program begins at 9:00 a.m. and will end about 4:00 p.m. Lunch is included. Registration and a detailed agenda are online at: