Reminders about some the resources available to help with weed management and herbicide selection, and resistance issues. The 2015 Weed Control Guide is available for purchase online at the OSU Extension estore ( or local extension offices: hardcopy - $14.75; pdf (searchable with live menu links) - $9.99. A free basic pdf is available on the OSU Weed Science website (, along with the updated version of the marestail control fact sheet and various other resources.
There is a new bulletin from the University of Missouri, “Weed and Brush Control for Forages, Pastures, and Noncropland” that works well for identification and management of weeds in these situations. Probably the best one available currently. Cost is $15 (
Information on herbicide resistance can be found at the USB Take Action on Weeds website – In addition to the posters and fact sheets on control of specific weeds that available, there is also an online tool to determine herbicide site of action. We will be printing additional amounts of the following publications soon – let us know ASAP if you would like quantities for meetings or to have on hand to give to customers or whatever (these can be viewed on the Take Action website):
Herbicide Classification poster (revised for 2015)
Weed Out Resistance – Know Your Weeds poster
Palmer amaranth ID poster
OSU/Purdue fact sheet “Control of marestail in no-till soybeans”