Weed Day
The 2015 OSU Weed Science Field Day hosted by Mark Loux will be held on Wednesday July 8 at the OARDC Western Ag Research Station. Registration starts at 8:30 and a field tour with presentations by OSU faculty, staff and students will start at 9 am. There is also, as usual, the opportunity to view studies of interest on your own.
The cost is $30, which includes the tour book and lunch. Please RSVP to Bruce Ackley,Ackley.19@osu.edu, and include the number of people in your group. Payment can be via cash or check the day of the event. Address of the research station – 7721 South Charleston Pike, South Charleston, OH. Location – about 7 miles south of I-70 from South Vienna on SR 54, or about 4 miles from the Springfield side of I-71 on SR 41. For more information see the OSU Weeds blog: https://u.osu.edu/osuweeds/.
Western Agronomy Day
The Western ARS Agronomy Field Day will be held July 15, with registration at 8:30AM until 9, then end the day at 3PM. The farm is located at 7721 South Charleston Pike (SR 41), South Charleston, Ohio. The Western Agricultural Research Station is the University research center for agronomy in western Ohio. This site carries a significant load of work on soils and conditions that closely resemble much of western Ohio cropping systems. Join us to learn how to improve conditions on your farm.
The field day begins with morning in-field sessions from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. This will feature three 1-hour talks and visits in the field at the researcher’s plots. Speakers include Plant pathologist Anne Dorrance, Agricultural engineer John Fulton, and Soybean & Small grains agronomist Laura Lindsey.
Lunch will be served at noon in the Western Ag Research Station’s air-conditioned conference room. You will have time to visit and ask the specialists for their opinion of crop expectations.
For the afternoon we will provide a wagon tour of other projects on the station. We will make four one-half hour stops with Soil fertility specialist Steve Culman, Agronomist Alex Lindsey, Entomologists Andy Michel & Ron Hammond and Corn specialist Peter Thomison.
Pre-registration is requested by July 10th, the cost for the day is $20 per person payable at the door and includes lunch. Contact Harold Watters Extension Field Specialist at 937-599-4227, watters.35@osu.edu or Joe Davlin Western farm manager at 937-462-8016, davlin.1@osu.edu to register.
We thank the Ohio Soybean Council for their support of the Western Agronomy Field Day. CCA continuing education credits have been approved for 5 hours of Crop Management. See you on July 15th. Visit our website for more information about the farm: http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/branches/branchinfo.asp?id=9.
Northwest Agronomy Day
The Northwest Agricultural Research Station 4240 Range Line Road, Custar, OH will hold it annual Field Crops Day on Thursday, July 30 from 9 – 11:30 A.M.
The Program will include presentations and opportunity for discussions on:
• Management of Soil Borne Diseases in Ohio
• Results of Nine Year P and K Fertilization Study
• Drought Tolerant Corn Hybrids: What Is the Fit for Northwest Ohio
• Methods to Test for and Agronomic Practices to Improve Soil Quality
Pesticide and CCA continuing education credits will be available. The Custar Ohio Station is 2.5 miles northeast of Hoytville at the corner of Oil Center and Range Line roads in Wood County. For more information contact farm manager Matt Davis at 419-257-2060, davis.1095@osu.edu or see the station website: www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/branches/branchinfo.asp?id=3.