The Erie Basin EERA will offer a two hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification on Thursday, September 10, 2015 at the Independent Ag Field Day in Bellevue, Ohio. The training will begin at 11:00 am and end at 2:00 pm. Lunch will be served at noon. This is a company field day; however, OSU Extension has a separate tent for the certification training which is open to the public. Lunch is also provided by Independent Ag at no charge and with no obligation.
Two hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification trainings are intended for individuals who seek certification and currently hold an Ohio Commercial or Private Pesticide License. There is no charge for this training. To receive certification, an individual must be present for the entire training.
Independent Ag is located at 4321 Sandhill Rd. Bellevue, OH 44811 which is at the intersection of Sandhill Rd. and US Route 20 between Bellevue and Monroeville. The field day site is on Sandhill Road just south of US Route 20. You may contact Independent Ag at 419-483-1515; however, no reservations are required. For training information contact Mike Gastier with OSU Extension in Huron County at 419-668-8219.