Soil fertility is crucial to maximize yield potential when growing crops. Economic and environmental considerations are also a key aspect to fertility management. With the knowledge to do so, farmers can set up fields to maximize profits while minimizing environmental impact.
It all starts with taking a good soil sample and understanding how to use that information in making nutrient application decisions. To better prepare farmers to make these decisions, OSU Extension is offering an Improving Yields through Fertility Agronomy Day. Topics discussed will be: Managing Fertilizer and Lime Input Costs and Water Quality, Soil Sampling, Using Field Buffers in Marginal Areas, Develop a Nutrient Management Plan, and On‐farm research results.
Guest speakers include Dr. Steve Culman, OSU Extension State Fertility Specialist; Greg Labarge and Harold Watters, OSU Extension Agronomic Crops Field Specialists, and Ron Nieman, NRCS District Conservationist.
Participants are asked to bring a soil analysis report so we can help you develop nutrient recommendations for a field. If you do not have this report, you can use a sample report to work through the methods to learn how to apply the information to future soil tests.
Attendees who need their Fertilizer Applicator Certification will be able to receive that by the end of the day. If you have a Pesticide Applicator License, please bring your license with you to complete the form. Those without a license can also get the certification. Certified Crop Advisers can receive 3.5 nutrient management CEUs and 1 soil and water CEU.
This agronomy day will be held on January 19, 2016 from 8:30-3:30pm in the Champaign County Community Center Auditorium, 1512 South US Hwy 68, Urbana. The cost is $20 per person and includes materials and lunch. For a registration flyer, please visit For questions call (937) 484-1526 or email