Cover crops are a growing topic in the agriculture world. Many farmers are already using cover crops to improve soil heath, increase organic matter, decrease erosion and help hold nutrients on their fields. If you are not using cover crops but are curious about their benefits please join us at the OSU Extension Office (5362 US HWY 42 Mt. Gilead Ohio 43338) for a FREE day long class on February 8th taught by Jim Hoorman and Alan Sundermeier on February 8th from 8:30 to 3:30. Lunch will be provided by Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District.
During this class you will be learning about the following soil health topics: Biology of soil compaction, cover crop rotations, cover crops for corn and soybean production, cover crops and water quality, the role of arbuscular mycorrhizae soil fungus, ECO farming in the 21st century, pest suppression with ECO farming, the role of soil bacteria, and soil fungus, soil compaction, using cover crops as forage and using cover crops to convert to no till.
Please Contact OSU Extension Morrow County at 419-947-1070 to register by January 31st.