Ohio State University Extension will sponsor the 2018 Small Grains Field Day on June 12th at the OARDC Schaffter Farm, 3240 Oil City Road, Wooster. Registration begins at 9:30am. A $25 per person registration fee includes lunch and materials. After June 4th the registration fee is $35 per person. Walk-in registrations will be accepted.
Field day participants have the opportunity to choose from two of four morning sessions:
- Soybean Production with Small Grains
- Dr. Kelley Tilmon and Mike Sword
- Growing Malting Barley
- Dr. Eric Stockinger and Dr. Laura Lindsey
- Barley Economics: Contracts and Budgets
- Origin Malts, Brad Bergefurd, and Mary Griffith
- Malted Barley and Wheat Agronomic Considerations
- Dr. Pierce Paul and Dr. Steve Culman
The afternoon topics include either:
- Wheat Breeding, Wheat Variety Development and Wheat Disease Management
- Dr. Clay Sneller and Dr. Pierce Paul
- USDA Wheat Quality Lab – tour the lab to learn about current research and quality evaluation
- Dr. Byung-Kee Baik
Recertification credits will be offered to private and commercial applicators:
- Private applicator credits – 2 hours in Category 1
- Commercial applicators credits – 3.5 hours in Categoty 2A and 1 hour of Core
Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) Continuing Education Units will be offered:
- 2 units in Integrated Pest Management
- 3 units in Crop Management
- 1 unit in Professional Development
Sponsors of the Small Grains Field Day include Ohio Certified Seed, Ohio Soybean Council, and the Ohio Corn and Wheat Board.
For a registration form or more information, go to: https://wayne.osu.edu/program-areas/agriculture-and-natural-resources/small-grains-field-day