Many questions come into the County Extension Office daily. Many times those include a question about a weed identification. During the month of June 2018, OSU Extension will be featuring a weed identification of the week. This week's weed is cressleaf groundsel, Senecio glabellus.
Cressleaf groundsel is a member of the Aster/Composite family. Cressleaf groundsel can go by many other common names like butterweed, yellowtop, golden ragwort, and yellow ragwort. It can be identified by its small yellow daisy like flowers or its purplish hollow stem and leaves. This plant is commonly found in no-till fields or low till fields. Cressleaf groundsel is highly toxic to livestock and humans. For any additional questions, you may contact your county extension office or go to you your county’s website at your county for more information.