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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension


Mark Your Calendars for These Important Field Days

The OSU/OARDC Western Agricultural Research Station will host two field days in July. The OSU Weed Science Field Day on July 11th, and the Western Agronomy Field Day on July 18th.

The OSU Weed Science Field Day will be held on July 11 at OARDC Western Ag Research Station at 7721 South Charleston Pike (SR41), South Charleston Ohio. As in previous years, it’s a mostly self-directed event and a chance to look at all of our research. The day runs from 9 to noon, followed by lunch for those who preregister. Feel free to bring anyone you like and to tell others, but please send an email to Bruce Ackley to preregister - - telling him how many are coming so he can plan appropriately. The registration fee $35, includes lunch and the plot book, payable on the day of the tour. We will be around as usual to answer questions and lead some brief discussions.  

The Western ARS Agronomy Field Day will be held July 18th from 9 AM to 3 PM. No charge this year as we are soliciting sponsors to offset that cost. Lunch is included, and we will of course have in-season updates as well as talk about some on-going research. The location is the Western Agricultural Research Station at 7721 So. Charleston Pike, South Charleston south of I-70 and just west of the Ohio 54 and SR 41 intersection or from the west exit from I-71 onto SR 41, south, drive about 4 miles and you will see the station on the right.

Topics and speakers include:

  • Keynote speaker: Robert Mullen, Chief Agronomist with Nutrient. Robert has much Ohio and international experience and will share his insights on nutrient management.
  • Weed Challenges this Season – Mark Loux
    • And back by popular demand is the mode of action weed screen plots. Walk through them and see what happened and why.
  • Ohio Soil Fertility Research Update; leading to the new fertilizer recommendations to come out later this season - Steve Culman
  • Water Quality and Fertilizer Application Research update; this work is what will bring the new P-Index to Ohio - Libby Dayton
  • Precision Planting and Smart Seed Firmers - Alex Lindsey
    • Can knowing your organic matter, soil temperature and soil type help you make seed depth decisions at planting?
  • Disease and Insect Scouting School – Kelley Tilmon, Anne Dorrance, Pierce Paul, and Andy Michel
    • This class to close out the day, will be hands on help for mid-season scouting of insects and diseases. Want to know what else may pop up this summer? You will learn from the experts.
  • CCA continuing education credits will be available.

Pre-registration for the field day is required by July 11, 2018. Registration online at, by email to Joe Davlin, or Harold Watters, For more information or to register by phone call the farm at 937 462-8016.

The OSU/OARDC Western Agricultural Research Station is one of three agronomy research stations across the state. The Western Agricultural Research Station maintains intensive research programs that address the profitability and sustainability of western Ohio's most important agricultural industries: agronomic crops (corn, soybeans, and wheat among them); specialty crops (such as pumpkins and sweet corn); and swine production. Additionally, the Western Station is home to one-of-a-kind studies on no-till crop production, carbon sequestration in no-till farmland, and bio-energy crops:

Crop Observation and Recommendation Network

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.
