Ajay Shah
Making products from plants takes ingenuity and perseverance; getting then to market requires the same. The Ohio State University College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Science’ annual Advanced Biobased Systems Workshop is an opportunity to learn more about commercialization of biobased technologies and products.
The workshop will bring together representatives from industry, research, and others to share their ideas and experiences. Topics range from how to raise funding to unique stories from businesses that have successfully brought products to market.
The workshop is September 10 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus, Ohio. A networking farm tour and barbecue, sponsored by the Ohio Soybean Council, will be held the evening before for all registered participants.
Early bird registration (on or before August 27) is $60 and $75 after that date. For program and registration details, go to go.osu.edu/CWsg or contact Mary Wicks (wicks.14@osu.edu or 330-202-3533).