The Farm Science Review this year is September 18, 19 and 20 at the London, Ohio location. The parking lots have been reworked, seeded and improved over the past year with more gravel areas added. Drainage has also been improved in the exhibit area to hasten water removal – all to give you a better experience. Tickets can be purchased from your local Extension office and from many ag retailers, or go on-line to the FSR website: A repeat this year, the Farm Science Review app will help you find and locate what it is you are looking for – look for “Farm Science Review 2018” on Google Play or the Apple App stores.
The Agronomic Crops Team will once again be welcoming visitors on the east side of the grounds just as you enter the exhibit area. We will be in the agronomy plots – there to catch your eye and stir conversation. We have had the same issues you have this year with the very warm conditions – both very wet and very dry conditions, pounding rains, delays in planting, bugs and disease. Lots to talk about.
Many farmers arrive early to Farm Science Review to beat the traffic. Stop in for coffee and a donut at the Agronomy Plot tent. Walk and Talks are offered every morning from 9 a.m. until noon – these include short walks through the plots to highlight some of the research we do across the state and to answer your questions. Other more formal talks we will have from 12:00 until 3:30 p.m. include “Herbicide Mode of Action,” “Grazing Annuals,” “The New Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations,” “The New Ohio P Risk Index,” “Grid Sampling” and even “Climate Change Impact on Agriculture.”
The Agronomic Crops Team also supports the work of Certified Crop Advisers (CCA) in the state. With so many farmers and their advisers coming to Farm Science Review, we will have several places across the grounds for the CCA to get continuing education credits (CEUs) – all for the price of the $7 admission.
- Areas to look for CEUs are in the:
- Agronomy Plots at the east end of the exhibit area
- At the Small Farms Centers in the northwest corner of the grounds
- And up the road toward the grain bins at the Gwynne Conservation area.
- CEUs across these four areas include Nutrient Management, Crop Management, Pest Management and Soil and Water credits. All these are listed in the program (pages 8, 11 and in the centerfold) that you can pick up as you enter the grounds. Information on CEUs is also available on the Farm Science Review 2018 app.
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