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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension


C.O.R.N. Newsletter: 2018-38

Crop Observation and Recommendation Network

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.

  1. Historical Soybean Cyst Nematode Map
    Author(s): Anne Dorrance

    As we wait another week for the fields to dry out, this provides some time to sample soil for the SCN populations.  The SCN Coalition theme for the next few years is What’s your

  2. Combine and Semi-truck
  3. Author(s): Alexander Lindsey, Peter Thomison

    As producers are planning their seed needs for next year, it is important to

  4. Author(s):

    Farmers are invited to attend a public meeting on landowner communication.  November 15 from 9 am – noon at Luckey Farmers, Inc., Woodville, Ohio.  RSVP to Wood SWCD at 419-354-5517.  No cost to attend

  5. Soil and Water Conservation Society Logo

    “Sharpen the Scalpel – Tools to Identify High-Risk Conservation Needs” will be the theme of the SWCS conference on Friday, January 18, 2019 from 9:00 am to 3:45 pm at the Der Dutchman Restaurant in Plain