Performance data for the Ohio Corn Performance Test (OCPT) site at Upper Sandusky planted June 22 was not presented in the 2019 Ohio Corn Performance Test bulletin because of a late harvest (Nov. 26). However, results for this test are now available online at:
Although a June 22 planting date is very atypical, many corn growers in northwest Ohio were planting well into June this year. There was considerable uncertainty as to what to expect from such a late planting, much less whether a grain crop was achievable.
The Upper Sandusky results provide insight on corn performance associated with late June planting dates. Grain yields in the early and full season tests averaged 226 and 222 bu/A, respectively. The results demonstrate that corn planted in late June can produce high yields under favorable growing conditions. The Upper Sandusky test was characterized by limited weather stress, timely rains during grain fill, and negligible pest injury. Despite the late November harvest, stalk lodging averaged less than 2%. However, these exceptional yields were associated with high grain moisture levels and low test weights. Harvest grain moisture averaged 30.1% and 33.7% for the early and full season tests, respectively and test weight averages for the early and late tests ranged from 49.9 to 50.5 lbs./A.