This winter OSU Extension’s Agronomy Team is offering a variety of educational programs online, beginning this week. CCA CEUs will be offered at each session. There is no cost to attend these programs, but registration is required. Programs for January 4th – January 15th include:
- Jan. 5, 10:00-11:00am - Gambling with Planting Decisions, Aaron Wilson (Ohio State University Extension) and Bob Nielson (Purdue University). 1.0 CM CCA CEUs. Register:
- Jan. 12, 10:00-11:00am - Improving Fertilizer Efficiency with the Planter Pass, Matt Bennett (Precision Planting Technology) and John Fulton (Ohio State University). 1.0 PAg CCA CEUs. Register:
- Jan. 14, 8:00-8:30am - Does It Pay to Improve Soil Health on Your Farm? Nathan Brown, Matt Falb, and Les Seiler. 0.5 NM CCA CEUs. Register:
- Jan. 14, 9:00-10:30am – Specialty Small Grains, Winter Malting Barley (Greg McGlinch), White Wheat (Dennis Pennington), Wet Wrapped Oats (Al Gahler), Triticale (Jason Hartschuh). 1.5 CM CCA CEUs. Register:
To register and view details on programs coming up later in the month and into March, visit: All programs will be recorded, and recordings will be available to view on our website and YouTube channel. CCA CEUs are only available to participants attending live sessions (we cannot give CCA credit for watching the recordings).
Be one of the first 300 people from Ohio to sign-up and attend one of these programs, and you will receive a set of giveaways shipped to your door including a copy of the Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Forages Field Guide, a 2020 eFields Report, digital soil thermometer, and a 2021 Agronomic Crops Team Calendar (with important marketing, crop insurance and USDA report dates identified). These items were generously funded by the Ohio Soybean Council and the USDA NIFA Integrated Pest Management program.