Corn Earworm
Corn earworm (CEW) traps were set the week of June 6th and first trap catches were recorded for the week of June 13th through 19th. Moth numbers in all counties are currently low; however, moths were present in six of the monitoring counties (Figure 1). Moths are most attracted to silking corn, where eggs are laid and the caterpillar damage developing corn. Corn earworm is more commonly associated as a pest of sweet corn, it is possible to find CEW in field corn. Monitoring for CEW will continue through August.
Corn Earworm moth map
June 13 – 19, 2022
Figure 1. Average corn earworm (CEW) moths captured from June 13th through June 19th. The large number indicates the average moth count for the week and the small number in parentheses is the total traps set up in the county.
European Corn Borer
European corn borer (ECB) numbers remained low over the past week with no reports of ECB-NY and only two counties (Fulton and Hardin) reporting ECB-IA (Figure 2).
European Corn Borer moth map
June 13 - 19, 2022
Figure 2. Average European corn borer (ECB) moths were captured from June 13th to June 19th. The first number indicates the average ECB-IA followed by a comma and then the average ECB-NY moth count for the week. The small number in parentheses is the total traps for each species set in each county.