Fayette County will be the place to be on August 16th, 2022. The Southwest Ohio Corn Growers Association, in conjunction with the Fayette County Agronomy Committee and the Fayette County Extension Office, will hold their annual field day and agronomy plot demonstrations. The event will be held at the Fayette County Research and Demonstration Farm, located northeast of Washington CH at 2770 Old Route 38, at the Fayette County Airport. The field day will be from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. It is free to attend and will include a free lunch and do not forget the free homemade ice cream. Certified Crop Advisor credits will also be available for the various sessions of the event.
The event will begin promptly at 9:00 am in the Equipment Building with our keynote speakers, Eric Romich and Barry Ward. Romich is a Field Specialist for Energy Development with the Ohio State University. He will be speaking on “Energy Contracts for Landowners”. Ward is the Leader for Farm Business Management with the Ohio State University. He will be discussing “Land Values, Cash Rental Rates, Input Costs, and Budgeting”. After our keynote speakers, there will be a variety of other educational sessions in tents around the exhibit area and the Equipment Building. The sessions will include presentations by Jim Hershey of the No-Till Alliance on the “Benefits of Soil Health”, “Fungicide and Soybean Cyst Nematode, Soybean Research” presented by Horacio Lopez-Nicora from the Ohio State University, “Tar Spot – Status, Identification, and Control” presented by Pierce Paul from the Ohio State University, “Hot Topics in Corn Production” presented by Osler Ortez also from the Ohio State University, and the Fayette County Master Gardeners will be presenting on “No-till Gardening”. Additionally, representatives from the National and Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers will give updates on state and national activities the organization has been monitoring and participating in.
Beyond the educational sessions, agricultural equipment, technology, lending, marketing, seed, and chemical companies will be available throughout the event to answer questions and display their newest, innovative products. If you are interested in being an exhibitor, there is still availability to participate. Go to fayette.osu.edu to download a registration form to become an exhibitor. At lunch, a drawing will take place for Corn and Wheat Grower members. The drawing includes two gift certificates for $500, one for seed and one for equipment parts at participating businesses. Membership is available the day of the event and members are eligible to win one of the gift certificates. Winners must be present to win.
The Fayette County Health Department and Fayette County Hospital will also be present to offer health screenings and tetanus shots for those interested. Please fast prior to the health screening for blood testing, these will begin at 8:30 am. The Fayette County 4-H program will be serving hot breakfast sandwiches and coffee to start the day.
At 6:30 pm the Fayette County Farm Bureau organization will be hosting their 2022 Annual Meeting in the Equipment Building at the event site. For tickets and additional information contact the Fayette County Farm Bureau office directly at 937-382-4407.
Questions about any portion of the day’s events can be directed to either:
Ken Ford, Fayette County ANR Educator at 740-335-1150, ford.70@osu.edu or Tony Nye, Clinton County ANR Educator at 937-382-0901, nye.1@osu.edu
Additional information can be found at the following websites: www.fayette.osu.edu and www.clinton.osu.edu