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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension


Lep Monitoring Update

Lep Monitoring Update WBC Numbers Remain High in Many Northern Ohio Counties

Bridger Cline, Jessi Raubenolt, Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala, Kyle Akred, Angela Arnold, Mark Badertscher, Frank Becker, Lee Beers, Bruce Clevenger, Thomas deHaas, Nick Eckel, Allen Gahler, Kasey Goodchild, Don Hammersmith, Jamie Hampton, Andrew Holden, Stephanie Karhoff, Alan Leininger, Ed Lentz, Maggie Lewis, David Marrison, Clifton Martin, Jess McWatters, James Morris, Les Ober, Richard Purdin, Eric Richer, Beth Scheckelhoff, Clint Schroeder, Mike Sunderman, Frank Thayer, Cindy Wallace, Curtis Young, Chris Zoller, Andy Michel and Kelley Tilmon.



Western Bean Cutworm

The overall statewide average for Western bean cutworm (WBC) has decreased over the past week, from an average of 7.2 to 4.2. This decline means we are likely past the statewide peak for WBC. However, there are still seven counties that are above the threshold where we recommend scouting for egg masses. These counties include: Ashtabula, Geauga, Henry, Lucas, Sandusky, Trumbull, and Williams (Figure 1). For more scouting information, view our WBC scouting video

Western Bean Cutworm Map

July 25 – 31, 2022


Figure 1. Average western bean cutworm (WBC) moths captured from July 25th through July 31st. The large number indicates the average moth count for the week and the small number in parentheses is the total traps set up in the county.

Corn Earworm

The number of Corn Earworm (CEW) has remained consistent over the past week. While moths continue to be reported in six of the monitoring counties, the numbers remain low across the state (Figure 2).

Corn Earworm Moth Map

July 25 – 31, 2022



Figure 2. Average corn earworm (CEW) moths captured from July 25th through July 31st. The large number indicates the average moth count for the week and the small number in parentheses is the total traps set up in the county.

Fall Armyworm

Fall armyworm (FAW) numbers remained low over the past week with, three counties reporting moth captures. These counties include Clark, Van Wert, and Wayne. Madison county was also monitoring for FAW but reported finding 0 moths (Figure 3). As WBC numbers continue to drop, additional counties will begin monitoring for FAW over the next couple of weeks.

Fall Armyworm moth map

July 25 – 31, 2022

FAW map

Figure 3. Average fall armyworm (FAW) moths captured from July 25th through July 31st. The large number indicates the average moth count for the week and the small number in parentheses is the total traps set up in the county.


European Corn Borer

This week’s numbers for European Corn Borer (ECB) have increased in two of the monitoring counties (Figure 4). The two counties that found ECB were Fulton and Trumbull counties. Trumbull county reported finding 21 ECB-IA and 1.5 ECB-NY.


European Corn Borer Moth Map

July 25 - 31, 2022



Figure 4. Average European corn borer (ECB) moths captured from July 25th to July 31st. The first number indicates the average ECB-IA followed by a comma and then the average ECB-NY moth count for the week. The small number in parentheses is the total traps for each species set in each county.


Crop Observation and Recommendation Network

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.
