Dr. Mark Sulc, Professor and Extension State Specialist for Forage Production, retired from Ohio State University at the end of October 2022 after 30 years of service.
Mark was an active member of OSU Extension’s Agronomic Crops Team. Over his career, Mark authored 443 extension newsletter articles, bulletins, and Fact Sheets and gave 312 in-state presentations and 46 out-of-state presentations. (Yes, Mark gave us his exact numbers before he left.) Mark is recognized nationally and internationally for his research on topics including, development of predictive equations for alfalfa quality (i.e. PEAQ sticks for alfalfa management), integrated crop livestock systems, field evaluation of potato-leaf hopper resistance in alfalfa, and (most recently) field evaluations of low-lignin varieties of alfalfa. His program will have a lasting impact on farmers not only in Ohio, but across the globe through his international efforts.
Although Mark’s research and extension efforts are notable, perhaps his greatest contribution was through his mentorship. Numerous people have mentioned Mark’s careful guidance, attention to detail, and time spent giving thoughtful advice. His office door was always open, and he was always willing to discuss a problem and resolve an issue with a servant-leadership quality. He will be greatly missed by members of the AgCrops Team and Department of Horticulture and Crop Science.
Congratulations on your retirement, Mark! And thank you for all of your efforts over the past 30 years.