Due to popular demand, the AgCrops Team will host the 3rd annual virtual Corn College and Soybean School on February 10, 2023 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM featuring your OSU Extension state specialists and soil fertility guest speaker, Dr. Kurt Steinke, from Michigan State University. CCA CEUs will be available during the live presentations.
To register, please go to: go.osu.edu/cornsoy. Please register by February 9 at noon. There is a $10 registration fee for this event, which goes directly to support OSU AgCrops Team activities.
Presentations will be recorded and uploaded to the AgCrops Team YouTube channel after the event (https://www.youtube.com/c/OSUAgronomicCrops). However, CCA CEUs will not be available for the recorded presentations.
9:00-9:40 Osler Ortez Corn Management for 2023
9:50-10:30 Laura Lindsey Soybean Management for 2023
10:40-11:20 Kurt Steinke (MSU) Soil Fertility
11:20-noon Alyssa Essman Weed Management
1:00-1:40 Kelley Tilmon Soybean Insect Management
1:50-2:30 Andy Michel Corn Insect Management
2:40-3:20 Pierce Paul Corn Disease Management
3:20-4:00 Horacio Lopez-Nicora Soybean Disease Management