Cody Beacom and Jim Hoorman are the headline speakers for a Cover Crop Management three-hour morning program presented by the Ohio No-Till Council, Hardin County OSU Extension, and The Nature Conservancy. The event will be held at the Plaza Inn Restaurant, 491 S Main Street, Mt. Victory, starting at 9:00 am on Friday, February 10. Coffee and cake will be provided by Wingfield Crop Insurance Service starting at 8:30 am.
Cody Beacom, Bird Agronomics, will explain the basics of cover crops, from the selection of the best mix for summer or fall seeding to managing in the spring, whether using a burndown herbicide, “planting green”, or using a roller crimper.
A cover crops expert panel consisting of Jan Layman, Hardin County farmer and president of the Ohio No-till Council; Cody Beacom, Bird Agronomics; and Matt Burkholder, Farmer Advocate for Conservation; will answer questions and concerns from the audience.
Jim Hoorman, Hoorman Soil Health Services, will present details regarding the nutrient and soil health benefits of cover crops.
Lunch will be provided at noon by The Nature Conservancy and the Farmer Advocate for Conservation program. The program is free and limited to 50 participants. Pre-registration is required at or by calling OSU Extension, Hardin County at 419-674-2297 by February 3.