Don’t Miss Travis Faske’s Seminar on a Very Serious Pathogen of Soybean.
Dr. Travis Faske, prestigious nematologist from University of Arkansas, will visit the Department of Plant Pathology at Ohio State University and give a seminar titled:
“Root-Knot Nematodes in Soybean: New Challenges from Old Pests”
Several species of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) can infect and reproduce on soybean in the U.S. The southern root-knot nematode, M. incognita, is the most widespread species and therefore causes the greatest total damage to soybean production in the southern U.S. Because of changes in crop production practices recent years this pest seems to be more problematic. This seminar will cover the distribution and impact of the southern root-knot nematode on soybean and challenges with the use of host plant resistance, crop rotation, and seed-and soil-applied nematicides to mitigate yield losses.
The Department of Plant Pathology welcomes everyone to attend Dr. Travis Faske’s seminar in person or via Zoom.
Attend Dr. Travis Faske’s seminar in person on Monday April 03rd 2023 at 12:10pm EST in 447 Kottman Hall (2021 Coffey Rd, Columbus, OH) or virtually using the following Zoom link:
Don’t miss Dr. Travis Faske’s seminar on a very serious pathogen of soybean!
Travis Faske is a Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist for the University of Arkansas System, Division of Agriculture at the Lonoke Extension Center in Central Arkansas. He grew up in Central Texas and earned a B.S. degree in Plant and Soil Science from Tarleton State University, M.S. degree in plant pathology from Oklahoma State University, and PhD in Plant pathology from Texas A&M University. His Extension program primary investigates the management of fungal diseases and plant-parasitic nematodes in corn, cotton, soybean, and peanut. His program has many research areas, including nematode response to nematicides, characterization of host plant resistance, and their integrated use to manage plant-parasitic nematodes in corn, cotton, and soybean in the field.