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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension


Battle for the Belt: Episode 8

Episode 8 of Battle for the Belt is now available:

In Episode 8, we talk with Dr. Shawn Conley, the soybean specialist at the University of Wisconsin- Madison and receive a planting date update from all three of our Battle for the Belt trial locations in Ohio.

The second planting date of Battle for the Belt occurred last week (April 26-27) at all three of our trial locations. Table 1 indicates the air and soil temperatures on the date of planting. At both Western and Wooster, the soil temperatures were at or above 50°F. However, at the Northwest location, soil temperatures were at 48°F the day of planting.


Figure 1. Corn and soybean were planted at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station (Wood County), Western Agricultural Research Station (Clark County), and Wooster Campus (Wayne County) April 26-27, 2023.

Each planting date thus far has had close to the minimum soil temperature needed for planting. When observing average soil temperatures over the last three weeks, the average is steady between 50°F and 55°F. With these consistent lower temperatures, the crops have been able to germinate below the soil surface but have not yet emerged. Emergence takes roughly 115 GGDs to complete. According to the GDD calculations in Table 2, Western and Wooster would likely emerge first. The first planting date does not yet seem to have an advantage over the second planting date due to slow emergence and growth.


 Table 1. The second planting date in the trial at all three locations with day of planting, soil, and air temperature averages (Information from CFAES Weather System,


Planting date

2-inch soil temperature
 (at planting)

Air Temperature

(at planting)


Wayne County

April 27th




Clark County

April 27th



Wood County

April 26th













Table 2. The first planting date in the trial at all three locations with updated average soil and air temperatures and Growing Degree Day (GDD) calculations.


Planting date

2-inch soil temperature
(between planting-May 1)

Air Temperature

(between planting-May 1)


(between planting and May 1)

Wooster, Wayne County

April 14th

Mean: 53°F

Minimum: 46°F

(April 25)

Mean: 52°F

Minimum: 26°F

(April 25)



Clark County

April 13th

Mean: 55°F
Minimum: 46°F

(April 25)

Mean: 53°F

Minimum: 31°F

(April 25)


Wood County

April 12th

Mean: 51°F
Minimum: 38

(April 26)

Mean: 50°F
Minimum: 26

(April 26)

















As a recap, this research project includes five planting date windows, 1) Ultra early = late March to early April; 2) Early = mid to late April (reported here); 3) Normal = early to mid-May; 4) Late = late May-first week of June; and 5) Very late = mid to late June. Weather permitting, the third planting date (normal) would occur toward the end of next week.

Keep following the ‘Battle for the Belt’ this growing season to learn more and get further updates! You can find the full video playlist of Bat

Crop Observation and Recommendation Network

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.