We are currently in our second week of monitoring for black cutworm (BCW) and true armyworm (AMW) moths in Ohio. Both moths are early season pests in Ohio that migrate to the state and lay eggs in fields. Once the eggs hatch, the caterpillars cause damage to the emerging corn plants. Counties with high trap catches should be prepared to scout high risk fields. In addition to BCW and AMW, European corn borer (IA & NY) traps were set last week and numbers will be reported in next week’s newsletter.
Black Cutworm
Wing traps are being used to monitor BCW adult moth numbers in Ohio. Adults can be identified by a dagger-like marking on their wings (Figure 1). Traps were checked between May 8 – 14 for the presence of BCW adult moths. Over the past week, 11 counties were monitored. Counties that reported an average of greater than 7 moths (or about 1 moth per night), include Hardin, 8.3 moths and Auglaize, 7.5 moths (Figure 2). The county with the single most BCW moths caught in one trap was Hardin county, with 21 moths in one trap. Counties with high trap numbers should plan to monitor for BCW larvae after corn is planted, especially in fields with a lot of broadleaf weeds such broadleaf weeds, such as chickweed and purple dead nettle. For more information about BCW please visit: https://aginsects.osu.edu/sites/aginsects/files/imce/ENT_35_14%20BCW.pdf
Figure 1. Black cutworm moth (BCW). Distinct black, dagger shaped markings on the forewing (circled in yellow). Photo credit: Curtis Young.
Black Cutworm Moth Map
May 8 - 14, 2023
Figure 2. Average black cutworm (BCW) moths captured from May 8th to May 14th. The bold number indicates the average moth count for the week and the regular number indicates the total traps set up in the county.
True Armyworm
We are also in the second week of monitoring for AMW moths. True armyworm adults are a light brown color and can be identified by a white dot on each wing (Figure 3).
Wing traps were also used to monitor AMW and were checked between May 8th to 14th for the presence of AMW adult moths. Over the past week, 12 counties were monitored. Van Wert had the highest average moth count, 10.1, followed by Punam and Hardin, 5.0 and 4.0, respectively (Figure 4).
Figure 3. True armyworm moth. Photo credit: Curtis Young.
True Armyworm Moth Map
May 8 - 14, 2023
Figure 4. Average true armyworm moths captured from May 8th to May 14th. The bold number indicates the average moth count for the week and the regular number indicates the total traps set up in the county.