Episode 15 of Battle for the Belt is now available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTgin3qPtoU
In Episode 15, we have a conversation with Dr. Pierce Paul, Cereal Plant Pathology Specialist about corn disease concerns and scouting, along with a field update from the Northwest and Western research stations and an Allen County farmer who planted soybeans first.
Corn Disease Updates
At the early growth stages in corn, the main diseases that can be scouted for are Pythium, Fusarium, and Rhizoctonia. These diseases occur in cold and wet environments. These diseases can be observed by poor emergence or skips in the corn stand. To check for this disease in surviving plants, dig up the root and look for discoloration and damage, which would indicate seedling disease issues. Approaching growth stage V5 corn can show symptoms of Anthracnose with frequent rainfall, however, in Ohio Anthracnose is not known to be yield-limiting. Because of the recent dry weather, most diseases are not a problem but as we receive more rain, the environment can become conducive to disease growth. To decide if you need a fungicide application start scouting before tasseling, between V12 and V18 (12 and 18 collared leaves). Scout the field on a weekly to biweekly basis to monitor any presence and/or severity. Consult the field guide for disease-specific scouting here.
Battle For the Belt Location Updates
Planting date five was planted on June 8th at both the Northwest and Western research stations. These locations were very dry like the rest of the state, thankfully, a few days after the planting date five in each location received rain. Around the June 8th date, the corn and soybeans for planting date four had not emerged yet (planted on May 25th, both locations).
The Wooster location received over 2 inches of rain last week according to Table 1. The corn for planting date one, two, three, and four are at growth stages V5, V5, V4, and V3. Corn height has been affected by the weather. Planting date one has a stunted height with planting date three, being a stage behind is as tall as planting date one. With soybeans the growth stages for planting dates, one, two, three, and four are as follows: V3, V2, V2, and VC. Thus far planting date three in soybeans has had the best environment for growth at this location.
The Western Location continues to be the furthest along in stage with corn showcasing planting date one at V7, planting date two at V6, planting date three at V5, and planting date four at V3. With soybeans, the growth stages for planting date one, two, three, and four are as follows: V4, V3, V2, and VC. At this location, floppy corn syndrome was found in planting dates one and two. This syndrome occurs when the root system is not well developed. However, this particular disorder has not been found at other locations.
The Northwest Research Station received the least amount of rain last week in comparison to the other locations (see Table 1.) The stand at this location for each planting date has been good. The corn stages are V7, V6, V5, and V3 for planting dates one, two, three, and four. The stages for soybeans in planting dates one, two, three, and four are as follows: V4, V3, V2, and VC.
As a recap, this research project includes five planting date windows, 1) Ultra early = late March to early April; 2) Early = mid to late April; 3) Normal = early to mid-May; 4) Late = late May-first week of June; and 5) Very late = mid to late June. The planting date five update for the Wooster location will come next week or so.
Keep following the ‘Battle for the Belt’ this growing season to learn more and get further updates! You can find the full video playlist of Battle for the Belt on the Ohio State Agronomy YouTube channel.