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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension


Lep Monitoring Network Update #8 – Trap Counts for CEW, WBCW, and ECB (IA & NY)


The Ohio Lep Network is continuing to monitor moth pests across Ohio. This being our eighth week of monitoring, we are now beginning reports for Western bean cutworm (WBCW), as well as continuing to monitor for populations of corn earworm (CEW), and both IA and NY variants of European corn borer (ECB).

As mentioned in our recent Lep Network newsletters, monitoring for black cutworm (BCW) and true armyworm (AMW) for this season has come to a close. However, an increase in BCW is being seen, with an average of 5.5 insects in Van Wert County.

For more resources on these pests and many others, check out our website:

Cajoling the Corn Earworm

This is our second week monitoring the corn earworm (CEW). 10 counties across Ohio monitored CEW populations, using 18 total bucket traps. In total, 16 average moths were reported. The highest amount of CEWs in one trap was 20, and the trap was in Auglaize County.

The corn earworm is a common corn pest found across Ohio that feeds on corn, tomato, and certain legume fields, which leads to feeding damage, molds, and an increased threat from birds. The adult moths are drawn to corn fields in the early green silk stage to lay their eggs. They can vary in color and the majority of feeding damage is found at the tips of the corn ears. For more information about CEW check out a previous newsletter:

Corn Earworm Moth Map

June 19 – June 25, 2023

Figure 1. Average corn earworm moths (CEW) captured from June 19th -  June 25th. The bold number on the left indicates the average number of moths captured. The second number on the right indicates the number of traps monitored in each county.

Exploring the European Corn Borer

This is our sixth week monitoring the European corn borer with 2 IA variants and 0 NY variants being reported June 19th – June 25th. In total, 9 counties across Ohio are monitoring for both ECB variants, using 33 total wing traps. The 2 ECB-IA insects were captured in Hardin County.

The European Corn Borer (ECB) is a common corn pest in Ohio that readily prohibits proper flow of nutrients within an affected corn stalk. ECB exposes the host plant to various problems including stalk breakage, ear drop, and reduction in corn yield. ECB is more commonly a later season moth, so we plan to see an increase in population numbers for both ECB variants in the coming weeks. For more information about European corn borers, please visit:

European Corn Borer (IA) Moth Map

June 19 – June 25, 2023

Figure 2. Average European corn borer moths (ECB) captured from June 19th - June 25th, of the IA variant. The bold number on the left indicates the average number of moths captured. The second number on the right indicates the number of traps monitored in each county. The ECB-NY variant had a total of 0 moths across all our counties in Ohio.

Welcoming the Western Bean Cutworm

This is our official first week of monitoring for Western bean cutworm (WBCW) adults in our 2023 season. 14 counties across Ohio monitored WBCW populations using 46 total bucket traps. Most of the counties had 0 moths reported, but 2 counties reported an average of 0.3 and 0.5 WBCWs, Hardin and Muskingum counties respectively.

The Western bean cutworm is a common pest in the northwest and west-central area of Ohio. WBCW adults tend to emerge from late June to early July, so we expect an increase in numbers continuing in the season. Adult WBCWs vary in dark brown and black coloring, with a white stripe along the outsides of the forewing, a light tan colored dot inward of the stripe, and behind the dot should be a tan-colored boomerang (or crescent) like mark.

Figure 3. A: Adult western bean cutworm (WBCW), photo credits: Amy Raudenbush. B: Larval WBCW damage on an ear of corn, photo credits: Whitney Cranshaw (

Western Bean Cutworm Moth Map

June 19 – June 25, 2023

Figure 4. Average western bean cutworm moths (WBCW) captured from June 19th - June 25th. The bold number on the left indicates the average number of moths captured. The second number on the right indicates the number of traps monitored in each county.

Crop Observation and Recommendation Network

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.