The Ohio Corn Performance Test (OCPT) was started in Ohio in 1972. To date, it has a history of 50+ years. The purpose of OCPT is to evaluate corn hybrids for grain yield and other important agronomic characteristics. Results of the test assist farmers in selecting hybrids best suited to their farming operations and production environments and complement recommendations made by seed companies and breeding programs.
Growing conditions
Overall, the first part of April saw cold and wet conditions, which led to a slow start to the planting season. Dryer conditions in late April opened up a planting window and allowed producers to get a start on planting. Planting progress in May started slow, but better conditions facilitated planting progress by the second half of the month. By May 7, only 11% of corn was planted in Ohio, according to USDA reports. By May 14, planting progress had advanced to 26% percent. Most planting progress came in the last part of May, with 89% of Ohio’s corn planted by May 28. In some areas of the state, the end of May and early June became abnormally dry, which resulted in crop variability and emergence issues. During the growing season, most of the 2023 crop’s progress was behind as compared to 2022 and the 5-year average in Ohio, resulting in delayed crop maturity, dry down, and harvest.
Rainfall for the 2023 growing season was variable across sites; it ranged from 14.6 inches (Greenville) to 21.7 inches (Hebron). Growing degree day (GDD) accumulation was below average for the entire growing season at the OCPT sites this year. In June, the average temperature was 4.5°F below average, and 1.5°F was below average in July and August. Often, when growing degree day accumulation is below average early in the season, it is above average later in the season. This year, by the end of June, OCPT sites were 225 GDDs below normal, with this trend continuing with GDD accumulation 340 below average by the end of September when most corn should have normally reached black layer.
Summary of results
Yields varied across the state depending on planting dates, rainfall distribution, timing, total precipitation received, and disease pressure. Despite a slow start of the season, fluctuating temperatures, variable precipitation during grain fill, and disease pressure at most sites OCPT yields exceeded expectations. Averaged across hybrid entries in the early and full-season tests, yields were 298 Bu/A in the Southwestern/West Central/ Central region, 261 Bu/A in the Northwestern region, and 271 Bu/A in the North Central/Northeastern region. Yields at individual test sites averaged across hybrid entries in the early and full-season tests, ranged from 228 Bu/A (Hoytville) to 314 Bu/A (Hebron).
Results for the 2023 Ohio Corn Performance Test can be accessed by selecting any of the three test regions on the left side of the webpage (Southwestern/West Central/Central, Northwestern, North Central/Northeastern): or access a copy of the PDF 2023 full report here.
If your favorite seed brand is missing from the trial, contact your seed representative and encourage them to enter hybrids in the 2024 and future performance trials. Corn hybrids differ considerably in yield potential, standability, maturity, and other agronomic characteristics that affect profitable crop production. Hybrid selection should be based on proven performance from multiple test locations and years.