Scattered showers brought relief to some, but many areas remain dry. Field issues Ohio State University Extension Educators and Specialists have seen or heard of this past week include potato leafhopper on alfalfa and emerging waterhemp. Keep reading for region-specific details.
Central and West Central – Mark Badertscher of OSU Extension Hardin County reported that wheat harvest began late last week in Central and West Central Ohio, with an estimated 25-50% of fields harvested in the region. Reported yields have ranged between 80 and 115 bu/ac. Area growers have taken advantage of an early wheat harvest and begun double crop planting of soybean. Other field activities included side dressing corn, spraying post emergent herbicides, and second cutting hay. Rainfall was extremely variable, from a few tenths to over 1.5 inches in other areas.
Southeast – Jordan Penrose of OSU Extension Morgan County shared that both corn and soybean remain in good condition, despite the warm, dry weather this past week. First cutting hay is finished in the region and second cutting is underway. Reported hay yields have been average to above average so far.
Northwest - Wood County Extension Educator Nick Eckel reported that soil conditions remain dry in northwest Ohio with rainfall anywhere between .1 and 2 inches this past week. Soybean is in fair condition and between V1 and V4 growth stages. Corn is in good condition with early planted fields reaching the V8 growth stage. There are growing concerns of tar spot since it has been seen in Indiana, but there have been no confirmed reports in Ohio for 2024 so far. (Remember that the optimum fungicide timing for tar spot is between VT (tassel) and R3 (milk), based on research conducted by State Specialist Dr. Pierce Paul.) Potato leaf hopper was seen in area alfalfa fields, so growers who have yet to making second cutting should scout for potato leaf hopper and the tell-tale symptom of “hopperburn.” For more information on this pest, see the factsheet here. Wheat harvest began last week with reported moisture levels of 13-18% with average to above average yields.
Northeast – Lee Beers of OSU Extension Trumbull County reported that dry weather this past week provided a much-needed window for applying herbicides, as waterhemp continues to emerge and rapidly grow to the point that control is no longer as effective (Figure 1). Other field activities included soybean replant in low-lying areas and second cutting hay.
Southwest – Clinton County Extension Educator Brooks Warner shared that 20% of wheat harvest is completed in southwest Ohio. Area growers have also been able to make spray applications and make hay between scattered rainstorms this past week. The main field issue facing the region currently is poor weed control, specifically giant ragweed and waterhemp.