The annual Western Agronomy Day will be held on Wednesday, July, 17 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Western Agricultural Research Station (7721 South Charleston Pike, South Charleston, Ohio 45368).
The morning session will start with Dr. Horacio Lopez-Nicora discussing soybean cyst nematode and which soybean diseases to look out for this year. Then we will get a look at the much-anticipated Battle of the Belt Corn and Soybean Competition with Dr. Laura Lindsey, Taylor Dill, and Dr. Osler Ortez. We have one year of data under our belt to share, as well as look at this year’s crops. Dr. Pierce Paul will be our last stop before lunch, to discuss vomitoxin management and corn disease forecast for 2024.
After lunch we will visit the herbicide interaction demo with Tony Dobbels to look at how different herbicides work on weeds and crops. Our last stop will be with the OSU Department of Entomology for a hands-on pest demonstration.
Please RVSP by July 10, 2024, to or call 937-462-8016 for an accurate lunch count. Lunch will be supplied by Lyons Catering.