The 2024 Ohio State Weed Science Field Day will be held on Wednesday July 10th at the Western Ag Research Station in South Charleston, OH. Registration will start at 8:30 am, with opening remarks and introductions at 9:00 am. Field day topics will include new corn and soybean product demonstrations, new technology for weed management, waterhemp control, and current trials including integrated pest management strategies such as cover crops. To register via email or for more information contact Alyssa Essman,
Date: Wednesday, July 10th 2024
Time: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Location: OARDC Western Agricultural Research Station
7721 S Charleston Pike,
South Charleston, OH 45368
Speakers and topics:
- Colin Barclay, Research Associate: Interseeding Wheat for Weed and SCN Management
- Betsy Cunningham, Graduate Student: Planting Green for Corn
- Alyssa Essman, Assistant Professor, Weed Science Extension Specialist: New Corn and Soybean Product Demonstrations
- Bayron Hernandez, Graduate Student: Long-term Cover Crops
- Eugene Law, Assistant Professor, Weed Ecology: New Technology in Weed Science and Legacy Trials
- Ella Poling, Incoming Graduate Student: Metribuzin in Ultra-Early Planted Soybean
- Ram Yadav, New Assistant Professor and Specialty Crop Weed Scientist: Introduction
Registration: register online by July 3rd at this link, or scan the QR code below
Cost: $30 via cash or check at the door, includes a digital tour guidebook and lunch