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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension


Lep Monitoring Network – Final Report on the Fall Armyworm: Update # 24

This past week was our 24th and final week of monitoring for Ohio pests at the Lep Network. To round out our weekly newsletters, we will finish up reports on our 8th week of reporting county averages for the fall armyworm (FAW). Due to predicted colder temperatures, and harvest around the corner, this will be our final Lep Network Report for the 2024 season. While we are closing out reports here at the Lep Network, scouting is still important when making educated agricultural decisions in your county. As mentioned in previous weeks, if FAW reports surpass an average of 7 in your county, we recommend continuing to scout for egg masses and larva. Counties that should continue scouting for FAW are: Henry, Sandusky, Van Wert, and Wayne.

Fall Armyworm Averages and Scouting

The statewide average for FAW this past week took a turn and rose from 17.4 for the week ending September 22nd to 102.4 moths for the week ending September 29th. This rise was strongly affected by high trap counts in Van Wert County who saw a staggering 801 moths in one trap alongside several other traps with counts in the 500’s. Counties with the highest averages are Van Wert (253.1), Wayne (21.0) and Henry (19.0) (Figure 1).

While cold temperatures are readily approaching, we are still seeing FAW egg and larval presence in fields across the state. The OSU Extension in Van Wert County reported staggeringly high trap counts and even egg masses on their trapping supplies (Figure 2). While we do not expect these egg masses to survive as colder weather moves in, but it is still important to keep an eye out for these persistent, pesky pests. As mentioned in previous weeks, when scouting for FAW, be sure to keep an eye out for the distinct white “Y” shape on the front of this moth’s head.

For more information on the fall armyworm, visit our current factsheet on FAW:

Fall armyworm moth map

Week 8

September 23rd to September 29th, 2024

Figure 1. Average fall armyworm (FAW) moths captured from Sept 23rd to Sept 29th. The bold number on the left indicates the average moth count for the week, followed by the standard number on the right which indicates the total number of active traps set up in that county.

Figure 2. Left: Bucket traps full of FAW in Van Wert County; Right: Egg masses on the bottom of a green bucket trap. Photo credit: Curtis Young, OSU Extension, Van Wert County.

See You Next Season

From all of us at the Lep Monitoring Network, thank you for joining us in our weekly reports and tracking alongside us. See you next season, and happy scouting!

Crop Observation and Recommendation Network

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.