The purpose of the Ohio Corn Performance Test (OCPT) is to evaluate corn hybrids for grain yield and other important agronomic characteristics. Results of the test can assist farmers in selecting hybrids best suited to their farming operations and production environments as well as recommendations made by seed companies and breeding programs.
Results for the 2024 Ohio Corn Performance Test can be accessed by selecting any of the three test regions on the left side of the webpage (Southwestern/West Central/Central, Northwestern, North Central/Northeastern): or access a copy of the PDF Full Report Here.
Growing conditions - 2024
The 2024 Ohio growing season will be remembered for its extreme variability. One of the main challenges was a delayed start to the planting season. Despite above-average temperatures in April and May, persistent rain events limited suitable days for field work, especially in the Northwest region of the state. By May 5, 26% of corn was planted in Ohio according to USDA reports. By May 19, 46% of Ohio’s corn acres were planted, and reported planted acres reached 90% by June 2 (3% behind 2023 and 17% ahead of the five-year average). Temperatures in June through August were generally below average, and precipitation was well below average. Rainfall during the growing season was variable across test sites ranging from 18.5 inches (7.8” below average) at Upper Sandusky to 25.7 inches (2.2” below average) at Hoytville in the Northwest Region. Averaged across the 10 Ohio Corn Performance Test locations, precipitation was 5.9 inches below the ten-year average. Heat-unit accumulation was generally greater at OCPT sites in the Southwestern/West Central/Central and Northwestern regions (with heat-unit accumulation ranging from 3,491 to 3,619 Growing Degree Days - GDDs) than sites in the North Central/Northeastern region (3,112 and 3,375 GDDs). Overall, the heat-unit accumulation was 470 GDDs higher in 2024 when compared to 2023.
Foliar diseases and insect pests were generally not a major yield-limiting factor in 2024. Gray Leaf Spot (GLS) and Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) were present at nearly all sites in mid-July. Fungicide was applied at nine of the ten test sites between tasseling/silking (VT/R1) and brown silk (R2). Additionally, Tar Spot was observed late in the season (R4 and R5 stages) at all locations, except Hebron. When Tar Spot appears late in the season, less yield impact is expected. Above-normal temperatures returned in September. However, with limited soil moisture, the corn crop was unable to add the late-season starch, increase test weight, and achieve the top-end yields we have seen in recent years. The extended dry periods also delayed crop maturation and dry down in the full-season hybrids until mid-October.
Summary of results – 2024
Yields varied across the state depending on planting dates, rainfall distribution (timing, total precipitation received), and disease pressure. Despite fluctuating temperatures and variable precipitation during grain fill, OCPT yields exceeded expectations. Averaged across hybrid entries in the early and full-season tests, yields were 260 Bu/A in the Southwestern/West Central/Central region, 216 Bu/A in the Northwestern region, and 253 Bu/A in the North Central/Northeastern region. Yields at individual test sites averaged across hybrid entries in the early and full season tests, ranged from 208 Bu/A at Hoytville to 285 Bu/A at Hebron.
A regional summary of the early maturity and full-season tests is presented in Tables 1 and 2. Corn hybrids differ considerably in yield potential, standability, maturity, and other agronomic characteristics that affect profitable crop production. Hybrid selection should be based on proven performance from multiple test locations and years.
Table 1. A regional overview of the early maturity, 2024 Ohio Corn Performance Test.
Region |
Entries |
Grain Yield (Bu/A) |
Moisture (%) |
Lodging (%) |
Emergence (%) |
Final Stand (plants/A) |
Test Wt. (lbs/bu) |
70 |
264 (240-283) |
20.9 (18.3-23.8) |
12 (1-33) |
96 (87-99) |
34,600 (30500-38000) |
55.3 (53.4-57.9) |
NW |
53 |
222 (203-239) |
17.0 (15.3-18.5) |
0 (0-1) |
95 (87-99) |
34,000 (30700-37500) |
58.6 (56.8-60.4) |
57 |
244 (209-271) |
20.7 (17.9-23.1) |
0 (0-1) |
93 (81-99) |
32,800 (26700-36800) |
56.5 (54.2-59.0) |
Table 2. A regional overview of the full season, 2024 Ohio Corn Performance Test.
Region |
Entries |
Grain Yield (Bu/A) |
Moisture (%) |
Lodging (%) |
Emergence (%) |
Final Stand (plants/A) |
Test Wt. (lbs/bu) |
57 |
255 (233-272) |
22.4 (20.1-25.9) |
18 (1-34) |
96 (91-99) |
34,400 (32000-36800) |
54.9 (52.6-58.8) |
NW |
88 |
211 (183-235) |
18.0 (15.7-21.4) |
0 (0-1) |
96 (90-99) |
34,500 (30100-37100) |
58.2 (55.7-61.7) |
68 |
261 (239-284) |
23.1 (20.8-25.1) |
0 (0-0) |
95 (90-98) |
33,700 (30200-36300) |
55.6 (52.7-58.5) |