The FSR Nutrient Management Field Day is September 14th. We will make use of the site and facilities of the Farm Science Review’s Molly Caren Agricultural Center, near London Ohio the week before that event. Check in at 8:30 for a 9 AM start and plan to end the day by 3PM.
We will break into small groups so you get an up close and personal educational experience for the morning. Starting at 9 AM we will run through the Agronomy Demonstration Plots - the Nitrogen management plots, a Rainfall simulation and Cover crop options. Before lunch we get the rundown on Phosphorus management.
For the noon meal we have a BBQ box lunch. Then after lunch we will go to larger field demonstrations of fertilizer application – with demonstrations of planter application, delayed application, and methods of incorporation. Then we finish by 3PM with paperwork to secure the Ohio Fertilizer Applicator Certification.
Cost is $15 per person for the program and includes lunch.
Register in advance for the program at
- This event will provide training for the Ohio Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification.
- CCA CEUs will be available
The location of the general parking lot of the Farm Science Review is at 445 US 40, London, OH 43140, this is a green grassy area just on the east side of the exhibit grounds – watch for signs.
This program is supported by the Ohio Soybean Council, the Ohio Corn Marketing Program & the Ohio Small Grains Marketing Program.
For more information, contact: Harold Watters, OSU Extension,, 937 604-2415 or see