The first is the FSR Agronomy College will be held with the partnership of OABA and OSU Extension on September 13th. For agronomists, CCAs and custom applicators, the program will bring industry experts, OSU researchers, and agronomy service providers together to learn at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London, Ohio.
- The full-day event features time with OSU Extension educators in the field at the small plot agronomy demonstrations. For the larger field demonstrations there will be topics including tip selection for the new herbicide tolerant crops, precision application, remote crop sensing, and an update on nutrient management issues in Ohio.
- Registration for the Agronomy College is $120 per participant. The event runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with on-site welcome and registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. To register or for more information, visit, call 614-326-7520 or email
Second is the FSR Nutrient Management Field Day on September 14th targeting farmers who need the Ohio Fertilizer Applicator Certificate.
- Start at 9 a.m. and go until 3 p.m. This field day is a great way to learn about nutrient management concerns and solutions, but avoid a “lecture”.
- Cost is $15 per person for the program and includes lunch. Register in advance for the program at
The location for both events is the general parking lot of the Farm Science Review at 445 US 40, London, OH 43140, this is a green grassy area just on the east side of the exhibit grounds – watch for signs. Both events provide CCA CEUs as well.
For more information on either event, contact: Harold Watters, OSU Extension,, 937 604-2415.