2006 Ohio Corn Performance Test: An Overview
Authors: David Lohnes, Bert Bishop, Allen Geyer, Rich Minyo, Peter Thomison
In 2006, 225 corn hybrids representing 38 commercial brands were evaluated in the Ohio Corn Performance Test. Testing was conducted in three regions of Ohio - Southwestern/West Central (SW/WC); Northwestern (NW); and North Central/Northeastern (NC/NE), with three test sites established within each region. Testing was also conducted at Coshocton, an area with high gray leaf spot incidence. Entries in the regional tests were planted in either an early or full season maturity trial. These test sites provided a range of growing conditions and production environments.
Environmental conditions varied greatly across Ohio during the 2006 growing season, especially with regard to the amount and distribution of precipitation. Cool, wet soil conditions during emergence and early vegetative growth were followed by warm, dry conditions that began in mid-late July. Temperatures during grain fill were warmer than normal and rainfall was generally below normal. However, after Sept 1 conditions were cooler and wetter than normal. The month of October was the second wettest in 124 years and 2006 was one of the latest, coldest, and wettest harvest seasons of the last 40 years. Although growing conditions were generally warmer and drier than normal during the grain fill period (approx. mid July through late August), excellent yields were recorded at several test sites.
Tables 1 and 2 provide an overview of 2006 hybrid performance in the early maturity and full season hybrid trials by region. Complete results are available online at:
http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/corntrials/. Averages for grain yield and other measures of agronomic performance are indicated for each region. In addition, the range in test sites averages is shown in parentheses.
Table 1. A regional overview of the early maturity 2006 Ohio Corn Performance Test.
Region | Entries | Grain Yield(bu/A) | Moisture (%) | Lodging (%) | Emergence (%) | Final Stand (plants/A) | Test wt (lbs/bu) |
SW/WC | 41 | 205 | 18.9 | 18 | 93 | 28900 | 57.5 |
Range | (180-231) | (17.8-20.7) | (1-49) | (85-98) | (25600-34400) | (54.4-60.8) | |
NW | 61 | 187 | 19.3 | 6 | 95 | 31100 | 56.9 |
Range | (168-209) | (17.9-22.3) | (1-28) | (79-98) | (25900-37900) | (54.1-59.3) | |
NE/NC | 51 | 187 | 19.8 | 16 | 95 | 30400 | 56.6 |
Range | (164-214) | (17.9-22.3) | (0-69) | (89-99) | (27000-33500) | (53.7-58.9) |
Table 2. A regional overview of the full season 2006 Ohio Corn Performance Test.
Region | Entries | Grain Yield(bu/A) | Moisture (%) | Lodging (%) | Emergence (%) | Final Stand (plants/A) | Test wt (lbs/bu) |
SW/WC | 70 | 212 | 18.3 | 9 | 94 | 29000 | 57.7 |
Range | (182-251) | (16.7-21.2) | (1-28) | (72-99) | (24500-32600) | (54.5-60.2) | |
NW | 72 | 189 | 20.7 | 3 | 94 | 30300 | 56.6 |
Range | (166-218) | (19.0-22.8) | (0-34) | (87-98) | (26800-33600) | (53.2-60.1) | |
NE/NC | 58 | 194 | 22.3 | 5 | 96 | 30000 | 55.7 |
Range | (169-219) | (19.8-24.4) | (0-33) | (89-99) | (26400-33700) | (52.3-59.5) |
More information on the 2006 Ohio Crop Performance Trials for corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa and entry information for the 2007 trials see http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~perf/index.html
2006 Ohio Soybean Performance Trial Results and Background
Authors: Jim Beuerlein
Results of the 2006 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials can be found at http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/soy2006/
Relative maturity is a rating designed to account for all of the factors that affect maturity date and includes variety, planting date, weather, latitude and disease. Maturity is defined as the “95% brown pods” stage. A variety with a Relative Maturity rating of 3.5 will reach the 95% brown pod stage 5 days later than a variety with a rating of 3.0. September and October weather increased the length of time over which varieties matured and many varieties reached maturity up to 16 days later than normal although their “relative maturity” increased by only two to four days. All the varieties in a table were tested as a group, and their performance analyzed and reported for that group regardless of their 2006 relative maturity rating.
Plant height was taken just prior to harvest from the N1 and S2 sites where plants were moderately tall with little lodging.
Lodging score. There was no lodging in 2006.
Seed size is reported as seeds per pound.
Protein and oil % analysis was determined by near infrared transmittance technology. The test was performed by the OSU Grain Quality Lab using a Tecator Infratec whole grain analyzer calibrated with the Composition Systems Calibration developed at Iowa State University and is reported at 13% moisture.
Phytophthora Resistance Genes. Phytophthora resistance genes were determined using a hypocotyl inoculation test. In this test, several races of Phytophthora are used to determine the presence or absence of a particular Rps gene. The Rps genes (Rps1a, Rps1c, etc.) detected in a variety are listed in Tables 3 8. “ND” indicates that the Rps gene(s) could not be determined, and the variety has Rps6, Rps8 or a Rps gene combination of either 1c+3a or 1k + 3a. “None” indicates no resistance genes were detected.
Phytophthora Partial Resistance. All varieties were evaluated for partial resistance. Partial resistance is a multi genic characteristic that provides some level of protection against all known races of Phytophthora. Ratings of 3.0 to 3.9 are considered high levels of partial resistance and will provide good levels of control. Ratings of 4.0 to 5.0 are considered moderate and will allow some yield loss when environmental conditions favor Phytophthora. Ratings over 5.0 indicate very little partial resistance or protection against Phytophthora. For Ohio Producers with fields with a history of Phytophthora root and stem, varieties should have a combination of Rps genes plus partial resistance to Phytophthora for the best protection.
Yield. Each soybean variety was harvested at a moisture content between 9 and 15 percent and yields computed to bushels per acre at 13 percent moisture.
LSD. A Least Significant Difference (LSD) for yield was computed for each maturity group. LSD's are reported in bushels per acre at 13 percent moisture. Yields of two varieties within a maturity group are significantly different 70% of the time if their yields differ by more than the LSD value shown for that maturity group.
Evaluation of Bt Technology and Insecticides for Rootworm Larval Control
Authors: Ron Hammond, Bruce Eisley
A trial was conducted this past summer at the OARDC Western Agricultural Research Station near South Charleston, OH to evaluate Bt rootworm technology and insecticides for their ability to control rootworm larvae. This trial had ten insecticides (including granules, liquids and seed treatments) and a YieldGard Rootworm hybrid (Dekalb DKC61-68) that were evaluated for their ability to control rootworm larvae. The insecticides were applied to Dekalb DKC61-72 an isoline of Dekalb DKC61-68. Early and mid-season measurements including stand counts and root ratings were taken on this trial and these data were presented in an article in early September (http://corn.osu.edu/index.php?setissueID=152#B). Rootworm injury was heavy in this trial with the untreated averaging 1.81 on the 0-3 scale. All of the treatments in the trial had significantly less rootworm injury as compared to the untreated.
Additional data were taken this fall including stalk lodging counts and yields. Percent stalk lodging (based on a 50 plant count in each row) was determined by counting the number of stalks in the two row plots that were either “goose-necked” or root lodged at a 45º angle. The plots were machine harvested in early November and the weights converted to bushels per acre at 15% moisture.
Many of the treatments had no stalk lodging and the untreated had 13.25% lodging. All of the treatments had less lodging as compared to the untreated. Yields in the trial ranged from 185.9 to 229.9 bushels per acre. The YieldGard rootworm hybrid had statistical higher yields than the insecticide treated and untreated plots. There were statistical differences in yield among the treated plots. All of the information from this trial can be found at: http://entomology.osu.edu/ag/reports/06si.pdf.
Weed Management Resources Available
Authors: Mark Loux
Several new resources on weed management can be found online, and printed copies will soon be available at OSU County Extension offices. These publications contain a wealth of information to help growers successfully manage some of our most troublesome weeds and better utilize available herbicide program.
State specialists in weed management across the north central region are collaborating to produce a series of free bulletins, the Glyphosate, Weeds, and Crops series. These publications address glyphosate stewardship and resistance issues and management of specific weeds that have been somewhat problematic in Roundup Ready systems. Printed publications should all eventually available in OSU County Extension offices, but at this time can be downloaded and printed from the following web site – http://www.glyphosateweedscrops.org.
Completed publications in the series at this time include:
Biology and Management of Horseweed (Marestail)
Biology and Management of Wild Buckwheat
Facts About Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds
Understanding Glyphosate to Improve Performance
Additional 2-page fact sheets developed on glyphosate-related issues by weed scientists at The Ohio State University and Purdue University can be found at the OSU weed science website at https://agcrops.osu.edu/weeds.
Management of Giant Ragweed in Roundup Ready Soybean Fields with a History of Poor Control
Control of Lambsquarters in Corn and Soybean
The Benefits of Preemergence Herbicides in Roundup Ready Soybeans
Finally, the 2007 Weed Control Guide for Ohio and Indiana is at the printers, and should be available soon.
January 2007 Agronomic Program Offerings
Below is the listing of Agronomic related programs offered in Janauary 2007. Most offer Certified Crop Advisor and Pesticide Applicator Recertification credits. A complete listing of all program with program flyers and credits offered can be found at: https://agcrops.osu.edu/calendar
January 4 Crop Production Conference
Time: 8:00 a.m.
County of Meeting Location:Franklin
Location: Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Rd, Columbus, 43210
Contact: (614) 326-7520
January 5 CCA Workshop
Time: 9:00 a.m.
County of Meeting Location: Franklin
Location: Fawcett Center, 2400 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus, 43210
Contact: (614) 326-7520
January 7 Shelby County Agronomy Day (Evening Program)
Time: 6:00 p.m.
County of Meeting Location: Shelby
Location: Sidney American Legion Hall, 1265 4th Avenue, Sidney
Cost: $7 (prior to 1/2/2007) or $10 at the door
January 8 Shelby County Agronomy Day
Time: 9:00 a.m.
County of Meeting Location: Shelby
Location: Sidney American Legion Hall, 1265 4th Avenue, Sidney
Cost: $7 (prior to 1/2/2007) or $10 at the door
January 9 Agronomy Day
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
County of Meeting Location: VanWert/Allen
Location: Delphos Eagles, 1600 East Fifth Street, Delphos
Cost: $5 at the door
Contact 419-238-1214 or 419-222-9946
January 9 Putnam County Agronomy Night
Time: 6:00 p.m.
County of Meeting Location: Putnam
Location: Kalida Knights of Columbus
Cost: TBD
Contact: 419-523-6294
January 10 Paulding County Agronomy Day
Time: 8:00 a.m.
County of Meeting Location: Paulding
Location: Paulding County Extension Building, 503 Fairground Dr, Paulding 45879
Contact: 419-399-8225
January 11 The Professional Marketer
(First of 6 session program held 1/11,12, 25 & 26 and 2/8 & 9)
Time: 8:00 to 4:00
County of Meeting Location:Fayette
Location:Fayette County Agricultural Service Center, 1415 US 22 SW, Washington Courthouse, 43160
Cost: $150 due 12/15/06
Contact: 740-335-1150
January 11 Central Ohio Agronomy School
(First of a 8 session in-depth Agronomy Program)
Time: 7:00 p.m to 9:30 p.m..
County of Meeting Location: Fairfield
Location:Fairfield County Ag Center, 831 College Avenue, Fairfield
Cost: $50 to $95 depending on credits requested with pre-registration due 1/4/2007
Contact: 740-653-5419
January 12 Corn/Soybean Day
Time: 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
County of Meeting Location: Fulton
Location: Founder's Hall at Sauder Farm and Craft Village, 22799 St. Rt. 2, Archbold, 43502
Cost: $15 (postmark prior to 1/8/07) $30 at the door
Contact: 419-337-9210
January 16 Precision Agriculture Data Management, Analysis and Decision Making Workshop
(A three day hands-on computer lab based workshop series held 1/16, 1/23 and 1/30)
Time: 9:00 a.m.
County of Meeting Location: Knox
Location: Knox County Ag Center, 1025 Harcourt Road, Mt Vernon, 43050
Cost:$80 for first participant from a farm and $60 for each aditional with a registration limitation of 19 farms.
Contact: 740-397-0401
State Specialists: Ann Dorrance, Pierce Paul and Dennis Mills (Plant Pathology), Ron Hammond (Entomology), Jim Beuerlein (Soybean), Mark Loux (Weed Science) and Peter Thomison (Corn). Extension Educators: Howard Seigrist (Licking), Roger Bender (Shelby), Harold Watters (Champaign), Keith Diedrick (Wayne), Gary Wilson (Hancock), Glen Arnold (Putnam), Mike Gastier (Huron), and Greg LaBarge (Fulton).