In This Issue:
- Managing Leaf Diseases of Wheat with Fungicides
- Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start
- Late tillage – spray the field first?
- Corn planted with no herbicide applied? Don’t panic
- Nitrogen Timing and Placement Early in the Year
- A Response to Comments made about a Recent Article on Pelletized Lime
- Planting Date Concerns for 2009 Soybeans
- Are there substitutes for 2,4-D ester in soybean burndown programs
- Insect Pests to be on the lookout for.
- County-Level Cash Rent Data Released on May 1 by the Ohio Ag Statistics Service/ National Ag Statistics Service (NASS)-
- Important updates for Private Pesticide Applicators-
- Weather for the Week of May 4
Managing Leaf Diseases of Wheat with Fungicides
Authors: Jim Beuerlein, Dennis Mills, Pierce Paul
It is time to start scouting wheat fields for leaf diseases. The wheat is now between growth stages 6 (jointing) and 8 (flag leaf emergence). This marks the beginning of the period during which we recommend that field be scouted to determine which disease is present and at what level. Fungicides are available to control these diseases in Ohio; however the decision to use these fungicides should be based on the susceptibility of the variety planted, the level of disease in the field, weather conditions, and the yield potential of the field. When the level of disease in the field is high on the top two leaves, wheat growers could benefit from applying fungicides, but in low disease years, fungicide applications would not be economical. Under favorable weather conditions, on susceptible varieties, leaf diseases cause substantial reduction in wheat yield. Yield response to fungicide application is directly dependent on the amount of disease in the field and the susceptibility of the variety to that disease. Resistant varieties rarely benefit from application of fungicides.
Stagonospora leaf and glume blotch, powdery mildew, and leaf rust are the most important yield-reducing leaf diseases in Ohio. Of these, Stagonospora leaf and glume blotch are most common statewide and powdery mildew is most common in the northeast, east central and south central parts of the state. Most years, leaf rust is detected in the state after flowering of the crop and is usually considered too late to cause significant yield loss. The growth stage of the wheat crop when disease develops influences the impact on yield and timing of fungicide application. The earlier the growth stage, the greater the potential to impact yield. Yield losses are greatest when the upper two leaves of the plants become diseased at or before heading. When this happens, yield losses can be as high as 25 to 30%. Hence, the main purpose of making fungicide applications in wheat is to keep the upper two leaves and the head healthy between growth stages 8 (flag leaf emergence) and 10.5.4 (flowering).
Scout wheat fields during the months of May and June to determine the need for fungicide application. The first disease to be detected is usually powdery mildew, a powdery white mold growth on leaf surfaces. This disease is important during the month of May and early June in mild seasons with high relative humidity. Randomly collect 30 to 50 tillers from throughout the field and look for the small white pustules on the lower leaves and leaf sheaths. If powdery mildew is present in a field planted to a susceptible variety you should watch its development over the next week or so and decide whether fungicides should be applied. Fungicides should be applied for powdery mildew control (on susceptive varieties) when 2 to 3 pustules are detected on the leaf (leaf two, counting from the top) below the flag leaf (the top-most leaf) anytime between growth stage 8 (flag leaf emergence) and 10 (boot).
Stagonospora leaf and glume blotch is most severe when frequent rains occur during the months of May and June. Symptoms are lens shaped brown leaf lesions with yellow borders on the leaf surface and brown to tan blotches on the upper half of glumes on heads. Scout fields between growth stages 8 (flag leaf emergence) and 10.5.4 (flowering) and if 1 to 2 lesions are detected on the leaf below the flag leaf on a susceptible variety, fungicide should be applied.
There are several different fungicides available for use on wheat. If powdery mildew is the target disease then Tilt or PropiMax should be applied. Tilt, PropiMax, Quadris, Quilt, Stratego, and Headline have good effectiveness against Stagonospora leaf blotch, other leaf blotch diseases and leaf rust. Obtain current pricing of fungicides to determine the most economical control option. Use 20 gal water/A with ground equipment and 5 gal water/A if applying by airplane. Using less water will lower effectiveness. Check labels for application timing restrictions.
Help in diagnosis can be obtained from OSU Extension or other crop consultants and from the Ohio Field Crop Disease web site
For updated information on wheat variety reactions;
Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start
Authors: Robert Mullen, Peter Thomison
As prospects for a timely start to spring planting diminish, growers need to reassess their planting strategies and consider adjustments. Since delayed planting reduces the yield potential of corn, the foremost attention should be given to management practices that will expedite crop establishment. The following are some suggestions and guidelines to consider in dealing with a late planting season.
Although the penalty for late planting is important, care should be taken to avoid tillage and planting operations when soil is wet. Yields may be reduced somewhat this year due to delayed planting, but effects of soil compaction can reduce yield for several years to come.
If you originally planned to apply nitrogen pre-plant, consider alternatives so that planting is not further delayed when favorable planting conditions occur. Although application of anhydrous N is usually recommended prior to April 15 in order to minimize potential injury to emerging corn, anhydrous N may be applied as close as a week before planting (unless hot, dry weather is predicted). In late planting seasons associated with wet cool soil conditions, growers should consider side-dressing anhydrous N (or UAN liquid solutions) and applying a minimum of 30 lb/N broadcast or banded to stimulate early seedling growth. This latter approach will allow greater time for planting. Similarly, crop requirements for P and K can often be met with starter applications placed in bands two inches to the side and two inches below the seed. Application of P and K is only necessary with the starter if they are deficient in the soil, and the greatest probability of yield response from P and K starter is in a no-till situation. Remember the longer our planting is delayed the less beneficial a starter with P and K will be (unless the soil test level is below the critical level). The primary reason they are less beneficial is typically at later planting dates soil temperatures are higher (this is not necessarily true for no-till soils and that is why they are more likely to be responsive).
Keep time expended on tillage passes and other preparatory operations to a minimum. The above work will provide minimal benefits if it results in further planting delays. No-till offers the best option for planting on time this year. Field seedbed preparation should be limited to leveling ruts that may have been left by the previous year’s harvest - disk or field cultivate very lightly to level. Most newer planters provide relatively good seed placement in "trashy" or crusted seedbeds.
Don't worry about switching hybrid maturities unless planting is delayed to late May. If planting is possible before May 20, plant full season hybrids first to allow them to exploit the growing season more fully. Research in Ohio and other Corn Belt states generally indicates that earlier maturity hybrids lose less yield potential with late plantings than the later maturing, full season hybrids.
In delayed planting situations, use the optimal seeding rates for the yield potential of each field. Recommended seeding rates for early planting dates are often 10% higher than the desired harvest population because of the potential for greater seedling mortality. However, soil temperatures are usually warmer in late planted fields, and as a result germination and emergence should be more rapid and uniform. So, as planting is delayed, seeding rates may be lowered (decreased to 3 to 5% higher than the desired harvest population) in anticipation of a higher percentage of seedlings emerging.
Late tillage – spray the field first?
Authors: Mark Loux
As we move later into spring and weeds become larger and deeper rooted, it becomes more difficult to remove weeds with tillage alone. Tillage implements that are designed to prepare seedbeds with minimal soil disturbance do not always effectively remove large weeds. Effective control of weeds with tillage usually involves complete uprooting or at the very least, severing of the stem as close to the roots as possible. Failure to accomplish this level of disruption can result in weeds that are appear bent over and fairly beat up, but these weeds often recover within several weeks. Weeds that survive tillage can be difficult to control with postemergence herbicides, and may persist throughout the entire growing season.
Solutions include more thorough and deeper tillage, or treatment of weeds with herbicide prior to tillage to ensure complete control. When using a combination of herbicides and tillage to control weeds and prepare a seedbed, apply the herbicide at least 24 hours prior to tillage to allow translocation. Glyphosate is probably the most logical choice for an herbicide treatment prior to tillage. Gramoxone could also be used, but can be less effective than glyphosate on large weeds. The use of 2,4-D or dicamba should generally be avoided, even when planting corn, because tillage can distribute herbicide within the seed zone and increase the risk of crop injury.
While it is certainly possible to mix residual herbicides with the burndown herbicides in this situation, it’s not necessarily the right choice to do so. Where weeds are large, the inclusion of residual herbicides (or application in 28%) can reduce the activity of glyphosate and the weed control. This can be compensated for somewhat by increasing the glyphosate rate. The second issue is that where tillage involves more than a shallow seedbed preparation, the residual herbicides might be unevenly distributed or placed too deep, which results in less than adequate weed control in areas of the field. Most tillage implements used for seedbed preparation will incorporate the majority of the herbicide to a depth approximately one-half the depth of soil tilled (i.e. if the implement is disturbing soil to a depth of 4 inches, most of the herbicide will be in the upper 2 inches of soil still).
Corn planted with no herbicide applied? Don’t panic
Authors: Mark Loux
There are undoubtedly some fields of corn planted within the last week or so that were not treated with preemergence herbicides before the rain or wind started. Fieldwork may be difficult to accomplish this week, due to wet soils and a forecast for more rain, so it’s a good bet that in some of these fields, the time between planting and herbicide application could stretch to 10 days or more. It’s possible to forge ahead and just apply the intended preemergence herbicides regardless of how long it’s been since tillage and planting, or without consideration for what the weeds are doing. However, a little thought and possible adaptation of the herbicide program can result in more effective control and a lower ceiling on herbicide costs.
We specifically want to caution about applying preemergence herbicides a week or more after tillage and planting, when there is no rain in the immediate forecast. Tillage stimulates a new flush of weed germination and emergence. It’s essential that within a week or so after tillage, preemergence herbicides have been moved an inch of two down into the soil where they can be taken up (absorbed) by the shoots and roots sprouting from weed seeds. The problem scenario occurs when it’s been a week or more after tillage, and the weeds are close to emerging from the soil. Preemergence herbicides applied at this time will reach maximum effectiveness only if rain moves them down into spoil before weed shoots emerge. Once the shoots have emerged, herbicides that act strictly through residual activity have lost most of their effectiveness, unless you are a big believer in “reachback activity” (see C.O.R.N. article on this from 2 weeks ago). So, our suggestion in this situation would be that you reconsider applying preemergence herbicides where it’s unlikely to rain before the weeds emerge (you can check by digging down to see what the weed are doing), and consider switching to an early postemergence approach. The good news here is that most preemergence corn herbicides can be applied to emerged corn, and some of them have enough foliar activity to control small, emerged weeds without the need to include postemergence herbicides. In addition, the majority of the corn planted in 2008 is resistant to glyphosate and/or glufosinate (Ignite), and these can be combined with preemergence herbicides to control weeds emerged at the time of application.
An early postemergence application of foliar plus residual herbicides can be just as effective at preventing yield loss due to weed interference, compared with a program of consisting sequential applications of preemergence and postemergence herbicides. However, early postemergence treatments may not provide adequate “season-long” control of weeds that tend to emerge late, such as grasses, giant ragweed, and waterhemp. They also will not provide adequate control of weeds that are not well controlled by preemergence herbicides, such as shattercane, johnsongrass, and burcucumber. Fields treated early postemergence should be scouted later in the season to determine if an additional postemergence herbicide is needed. Some considerations for an early postemergence approach:
1) Most preemergence corn herbicides are also labeled for application to to emerged corn. Notable exceptions are products containing isoxaflutole without a safener (Balance, Radius, Epic – Balance Flex contains the safener and can be applied early POST) or simazine. Corn herbicide descriptions in the current “Weed Control Guide for Ohio and Indiana” contain information on maximum size of corn for postemergence application of preemergence herbicides.
2) Be sure to check labels or consult manufacturer representatives, local agronomists, etc for information on the use of adjuvants in postemergence applications. The addition of surfactant or crop oil concentrate will often be needed to ensure control of emerged weeds, but use of inappropriate adjuvants can increase the risk of crop injury. Control of emerged grasses with atrazine will require the addition of crop oil concentrate.
3) Most corn herbicides cannot be applied using 28% as the spray carrier after the corn has emerged. Degree and Degree Xtra are the exceptions to this rule. These products can be applied in 28% to corn up to 6 inches tall as long as air temperatures do not exceed 85 degrees.
4) Fields should be treated after the first flush of weeds has emerged, but before most annual weeds exceed 2 to 3 inches in height, to avoid yield loss due to early-season weed interference. When applying within two to three weeks after corn planting, we suggest using full rates of preemergence corn herbicides. It is possible to reduce rates somewhat when the early postemergence application stretches out to 3 weeks or more after planting, but we suggest reducing preemergence rates by no more than 30% even then. Where the plan is to definitely make another application of postemergence herbicides, lower rates can be used. However, keep in mind that the difference between full and half rates of atrazine premix products can be as little as $8 per acre.
5) Treatments that contain atrazine will control many small, emerged broadleaf weeds. Among preemergence herbicides, Lexar/Lumax and mixtures of SureStart plus an atrazine-containing product provide the broadest spectrum of broadleaf weed control, especially as weeds get larger. Emerged grass weeds tend to be more of an issue. Corvus will control small emerged grasses and has a good fit in this situation, but will require the addition of atrazine or another herbicide with foliar activity for most emerged broadleaf weeds. Atrazine is the only other preemergence herbicide that has activity on emerged grasses, and it is most effective when applied at high rates to very small (less than one inch) grasses. Larger grasses will require the addition of postemergence herbicides. Gyphosate and glufosinate are not the only choices here. Impact and Laudis can control emerged grasses at a cost similar to glyphosate and glufosinate, and they also control many broadleaf weeds. Impact and Laudis should be mixed with an atrazine-containing product for most effective control, especially of grasses.
Nitrogen Timing and Placement Early in the Year
Authors: Edwin Lentz, Robert Mullen
With the increased costs of fertilizer and fuel (they are lower today than they were this time last year), some producers have considered altering nitrogen application timing and placement from what they have historically done. This is a question we have been getting quite a bit this year – can I get away from my weed ‘n’ feed application and apply the bulk of my N upfront between rows?
The first question is how soon prior to planting will the application occur? If it is close to planting be aware that you should be careful to avoid the fertilizer band when seeding. Placing the seed too close to the UAN band can cause emergence issues. If the application is near planting time and the band is avoided, applying the bulk of the N budget between rows is a good alternative, and this approach is likely to be similar to what was done before, if not slightly better (under the wrong conditions – conservation till or no-till systems receiving weed ‘n’ feed applications of N). If it is going to be applied well before planting, and the soil is excessively well drained or very poorly drained this is likely not the best choice because of the risk of N loss by leaching or denitrification.
Data collected at Ohio State University shows surface applications (weed ‘n’ feed) of N can be subject to significant loss under the wrong conditions prior to planting (or just after planting). This is when no rainfall occurs and there is significant surface residue associated with conservation tillage systems. If the material can be knifed in, it avoids volatile losses, but early applied N is at more risk of denitrifcation loss if the weather pattern favors a wet, warm trend, and the N is applied too early.
In summary, sidedress is still the best option; however, if UAN can be applied just prior to planting, this practice can be successful. If applied too early (and the weather does not cooperate), the loss of N would cause this approach to not be a good idea.
A Response to Comments made about a Recent Article on Pelletized Lime
Authors: Robert Mullen
We recently received a reply to our article on pelletized lime that was published
two weeks ago. We thought this was a good opportunity to respond directly to
the comments submitted, so that all could benefit from some additional education
on pelletized lime.
The subject pertained to using pelletized lime and can be found at The comments that were made, and OSU Extension’s rebuttal, can be found on our fertility web site, located at
Planting Date Concerns for 2009 Soybeans
Authors: Jim Beuerlein
There is concern about yield potential for our somewhat delayed crop planting this year. What are some things to think about as you return to the field?
Thoughts about planting 2009 beans:
1) Soybean yields are usually very near their maximum potential as long as they are planted before May 21st.
2) The later planting is accomplished, the greater the response to narrow rows and increased seeding rates.
3) If you are tempted to use the corn planter to punch in a lot of acres fast, keep in mind that thirty-inch row beans planted May 10 will produce less yield than drilled beans planted two weeks later. The goal is to attain rapid canopy closure and maximize sunlight collection.
4) The faster you plant over five miles per hour, the poorer the crop will be. Good seed-soil contact is still important - keep that drill moving just not so fast that you plant the soybeans poorly.
For more information see the Ohio Agronomy Guide, Bulletin 472 available at your county Extension office or see the Soybean Management chapter on-line:
Are there substitutes for 2,4-D ester in soybean burndown programs
Authors: Mark Loux
From a weed management standpoint, the good news about delayed planting is that more of the weeds have emerged by the time the ground is tilled or the burndown is applied, compared with early planting, which makes things easier for the in-crop herbicide program. In addition, later-planted crops can develop more rapidly, and be competitive with weeds sooner after planting. The bad news is that the burndown situations get tougher, and the opportunity to use 2,4-D ester becomes more limited as we all rush to get crops in the ground. The problem here is that as weeds get larger, the need for 2,4-D ester becomes greater. Marestail and giant ragweed are good examples of this problem. Populations without herbicide resistance become generally more difficult to control as plants get larger, and glyphosate activity can be variable on large plants. In the absence of 2,4-D ester, populations with resistance to glyphosate and/or ALS inhibitors can be almost impossible to control with soybean herbicides in May as plants get taller and older. We would suggest making every effort to include 2,4-D in burndown programs in fields with these types of problems, even if it means further delays in planting, or substitute tillage for herbicides to ensure that the crop gets off to a weedfree start.
Where it is not possible to use 2,4-D ester due to imminent soybean planting, our research shows that the most comprehensive burndown in soybeans is likely to occur with a mixture of glyphosate and a chlorimuron-containing product (Canopy, Valor XLT, Synchrony, Envive). Next best would be a mixture of glyphosate with a cloransulam-containing product (Firstrate, Sonic, Gangster, Authority First), which can be more effective on marestail and ragweeds than mixtures of chlorimuron and glyphosate, but may be less effective on most other no-till weeds. Where weeds are large, the Valor or Authority that is in some of these products has some potential to antagonize the activity of glyphosate, but there are considerable advantages to these herbicides with regard to residual weed control. Increasing the rates of glyphosate and the herbicide containing chlorimuron or cloransulam should be considered as weed size increases, but increasing rate will not result in control of glyphosate- or ALS-resistant populations.
Insect Pests to be on the lookout for.
Authors: Bruce Eisley, Andy Michel, Ron Hammond
Cereal leaf beetles, slugs, and alfalfa weevils are just three of the many pests that are active this time of year. For information on how to scout and, if needed, how to treat for them, continue reading.
We received our first report of adult cereal leaf beetles in wheat which were beginning to lay eggs. We have seen localized problems with this insect the past few years on cereal grains, including wheat and oats. We recommend that growers at least become aware of this pest and scout their wheat and oat fields a few times over the coming few months, especially in areas where they have caused problems in the past. It is the larvae that will cause significant feeding on the flag leaf, which causes the economic yield loss. The black larvae are coated with a slimy substance which includes their feces, and are readily spotted on the plants. Later infestations will give the field a frosted appearance. Evaluation of an infested field should include sampling of 30 or more plants to determine the number of larvae per stem. An average of 2 or more larvae per stem can be regarded as economic. Insecticides for control are available at It should be noted that Entrust is a spinosad product that is permissible on organic crops, being OMRI listed.
This is the time of year when scouting for slugs should begin. Egg hatch is starting and will slowly move northwards. Corn and soybean growers who have had problems with slugs in the past should sample their fields over the next few weeks, checking numerous spots in their fields for eggs and juvenile slugs. Slug eggs are usually laid in batches of 3-5 and are found just at or slightly below the soil surface. Growers should move crop residue aside in an area about a foot square, and scrape the soil with a small knife or other instrument. See the new fact sheet on slug control in field crops.
We had our first report of alfalfa weevil injury to alfalfa from Clinton County in southern Ohio. See the past few C.O.R.N. newsletters for information on how to sample and when to treat. Also, see the new fact sheet at for more information on alfalfa weevil.
County-Level Cash Rent Data Released on May 1 by the Ohio Ag Statistics Service/ National Ag Statistics Service (NASS)-
Authors: Barry Ward
The Ohio Agricultural Statistics Service and the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) recently published county-level data on cash rental rates for agricultural land on May 1.
The information includes average rental rates for non-irrigated cropland, irrigated cropland and pastureland during the 2008 calendar year. NASS is providing the county data in response to requests from customers as well as the new requirements of the 2008 Farm Bill.
Since 1997, NASS has published land value and rental rate data at the state level. The release on May 1 will mark the first time NASS is publishing the information at the county level.
The data will be based on information NASS gathered from 700,000 agricultural producers nationwide during the 2008 end-of-year surveys: the biannual cattle survey, the biannual sheep and goats survey, the quarterly crops/stocks survey, the annual acreage and production survey, and the first-ever county-level cash rents survey.
The county-level data on cash rental rates is available online through Quick Stats, NASSs agricultural statistics database, at Users are able to access cash rental rates at the state, county or crop reporting district level.
Accessing the data is not real straightforward here are the steps to get the county data for the entire state -
To get the data you can follow these steps:
Go to:
Select: County Cash Rents
Under Sector select: ECONOMICS
Under Commodity select: RENT
Under Select Location Locale select: COUNTY
Under State select: OHIO
Now go to the bottom and select: Get Data
This will give you county by county cash rent averages from this Ag Stats survey for the entire state.
For a quick, alphabetized list of Ohio counties and rent prices, try this link,
Important updates for Private Pesticide Applicators-
Authors: Joanne Kick-Raack
1. The new ODA rules on private recordkeeping have been finalized and are posted on the Ohio Department of Agriculture's website at:
The new record changes are simplifications of the previous recordkeeping requirements and should make recordkeeping easier for growers. Previously, Ohio growers had to keep more items than federal law and many other states required. For private applicators, the items now required are the same as the federal recordkeeping requirements and will be consistent with many other state requirements. If you are using the old recordkeeping requirements, you are NOT out of compliance--you will just be keeping more items than are now required. Below are the new requirements.
Private applicator restricted use records must be kept for three years and must include:
(a) The responsible private applicator's name and license number
(b) The brand or product name and EPA registration number of the restricted use pesticide applied
(c) The total amount of the restricted use pesticide applied
(d) Location and/or field number for area treated and total area or acreage treated
(e) Crop treated
(f) Month, day and year of application
Note: Under the new rules, if a private applicator applies either a general use or restricted use pesticide for a neighbor under the neighbor exemption (Revised Code 921.26 (D)) he/she must record this information for all applications.
However, we always recommend that growers keep records of all their pesticide applications whether required by law or not.
2. New private applicator core exam
The private applicator core exam has been revised. ODA has just sent the new exams to inspectors to begin using in the next few weeks. The exam is 50 multiple choice questions. A draft of the newly revised study guide (bulletin 825-A) will be posted on our website soon. The address is:
Printed copies are not available yet . Check with your local Extension Office for availability.
3. Welcome Dennis Mills
Dennis Mills will be working with the Pesticide Education Program to strengthen support to counties for the private applicator program and commercial ag programming. Beginning May 1, Dennis will be working two days a week in the office. His responsibilities will include revising private exams and study materials and working with ODA on the category reorganization and transition to fewer private categories. He will be in charge of providing educational materials for county private applicator training programs and assisting counties with programming. Many of you have worked with Dennis over the years and he will be able to focus even more on outreach. Welcome Dennis!
If you have any questions about the above changes, please contact your local Extension Office or visit
Weather for the Week of May 4
Authors: Jim Noel
Everything is on track from last week. 0.75 - 2" fell in the north, 2-4 inches in the central and 0.5 - 1.5 inches in the south last week. The coming week will be more normal with near normal temperatures and rainfall. The next systems to affect the area will be Wed - early Fri and again Sunday into Monday for this coming late weekend. Rainfall over the next week will generally be 0.3 to 1.0 inches with isolated higher totals. It is that time of year where things become of scattered in coverage.
Next week will overall be warmer and drier with one rain event arriving about Wednesday.
The following week looks cooler and wetter than normal again. With the rain this past week plus the next 1-2 weeks of rain, the outlook from last week below of 2-4 inches in most areas for the past week plus the next 1-2 weeks looks on track.
Looking ahead, most indications are near normal rainfall for summer, but we always get that stretch of several weeks of dry weather. When I get a feel for when that will be I will let you know. Look for a better breakdown of summer weather in next weeks briefing.
You can use the site to get high resolution rainfall over a 4km x 4km grid. you can zoom in and select totals or departure from normal for 1,7,14… days.
State Specialists: Pierce Paul and Anne Dorrance (Plant Pathology), Ron Hammond, Andy Michel, and Bruce Eisley (Entomology), Peter Thomison (Corn Specialist), Jim Beuerlein (Soybean Specialist), Mark Loux (Weed Specialist), Robert Mullen (Soil Fertility), Joanne Kick-Raack (Pesticide Education), Bary Ward (Ag Economics) and Jim Noel (NOAA). County Professionals: Suzanne Mills-Wasniak (Montgomery), Tim Fine (Miami), Jonah Johnson (Clark), Harold Watters (Champaign), Joy Aufderhaar (Shelby), Wesley Haun (Logan), Glen Arnold (Putnam), Bruce Clevenger (Defiance), Alan Sundermeier (Wood), Greg LaBarge (Fulton), Mark Koenig (Sandusky), Ed Lentz (Seneca), Steve Prochaska (Crawford), Mike Gastier (Huron), Howard Siegrist (Licking), Les Ober (Geauga)