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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension


C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-03

Dates Covered: 
February 10, 2010 - February 24, 2010
Greg LaBarge
New Soybean Insecticide Seed Treatments Seed Corn Maggot on Soybeans

New Soybean Insecticide Seed Treatments

There are two new seed treatments available on soybeans, Acceleron IX-409 which contains imidacloprid, the same material as in Gaucho seed treatment, and NipsIt INSIDE, which contains clothianidin, the same material as in Poncho seed treatment on corn. NipsIt INSIDE is the first seed treatment on soybeans that contains clothianidin, and is labeled for bean leaf beetle, soybean aphid, along with other seed and seedling pests. Both of these new seed treatments are commercial seed treatments.

Although we do not recommend seed treatments for “plant health” purposes, we do realize many growers are using them, and for this reason, need to know where they will be most effective. When growers incorporate green organic matter in the soil in the spring, especially old alfalfa fields, cover crops, or even heavy weed growth, the chances of enhanced populations of seedcorn maggots and subsequent plant stand reductions is high. Thus, we do recommend seed treatments for in these situations; both Cruiser and NipsIt INSIDE seed treatments would be more effective against this insect than those containing imidacloprid.

We would remind growers that we do not recommend seed treatments for soybean aphid and bean leaf beetle control. Our data from previous years indicate that seed treatments do not offer control of aphids or the beetle when needed in late July and August. While having a density-reducing impact on early season feeding, the chances of still having a problem in mid to late summer remains high if either are in the area. During outbreaks in mid-season, using an IPM approach based on crop scouting and thresholds to optimally-time foliar sprays will result in significantly greater yield compared to prophylactic seed treatments. An IPM approach to insect control limits insecticide use to when and where it is needed, reduces pesticide exposure and selection for resistance, and helps to conserve natural enemies.

When producing soybean for seed or food grade soybeans and in other situations where seed quality is a major issue, we slightly change our recommendations for bean leaf beetle management. This change is because of our concern with the beetle’s ability to vector bean pod mottle virus. For growers who choose to control overwintering bean leaf beetles to limit virus transmission, we would recommend an early season foliar spray after plant emergence, followed by a second spray in July for the first generation beetles. Because seed treatments will offer control of the overwinter beetles and reduce feeding injury, growers might want to use seed treatments to replace the early season foliar spray. However, keep in mind that data from other universities suggest that this approach might not give economic control of the virus. However, growers might wish to try these seed treatments on a few fields to see if they work.

Keeping Phosphorous on the Land

The price of fertilizers reached record levels in 2009. These changing economics have made the desire to keep fertilizer nutrients on the land for use by crops stronger than ever. There are also renewed environmental concerns about algae blooms in Lake Erie that have been tied to rising dissolved phosphorous levels.

The economic and environmental questions of phosphorous utilization as they related to agriculture will be discussed during the program entitled Agriculture’s Role in Increased Phosphorous Levels in Lake Erie scheduled for March 11, 2010 from 9:00 until 12:15.

The program will cover changing agricultural trends, water quality data, the availability of soil phosphorous and soil testing, recommendations along with application best management practices that can keep phosphorous on the land. The following link will provide a brochure with detailed agenda and registration.

Speakers include Kevin Elder, Executive Director of Ohio Dept. of Agriculture’s Livestock Environmental Permitting Program, Dr. David Baker, Director Emeritus National Center for Water Quality Research, Heidelberg University, Dr. Elizabeth Dayton, Research Scientist, School of Environmental & Natural Resources, The Ohio State University and Dr. Robert Mullen, Ohio State University Extension Specialist, Soil Fertility, School of Environmental & Natural Resources, The Ohio State University.

The event is sponsored by Ohio State University Extension. The meeting location is the Robert Fulton Ag Center located at 8770 State Route 108, Wauseon which is just north of the Ohio Turnpike at Exit 34. The program is opened to the public and cost is $15. Preregistration should be post marked by March 8th. Call 419-337-9210 for more details. Certified Crop Advisor’s can receive 2 Water Quality and 1 Nutrient Management credit for attending this session.

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Crop Observation and Recommendation Network

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.