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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension


Land Selection and Preparation

Wheat grows well in a range of soil types; however, well-drained soils with medium to fine texture produce the highest yields in Ohio. Adequate drainage is essential; thus, tiling poorly drained fields is important. Plan the crop-rotation sequence far enough in advance to plant early-maturing soybean varieties in fields to be planted to wheat in the fall. This will permit planting of wheat at the optimum time for maximum winter survival and yield potential. Drilled, medium-season soybean varieties, planted early yield as well as full-season varieties. 

Planting no-till wheat into soybean stubble has been very successful in reducing erosion and almost totally eliminates spring heaving and also reduces production costs. Soybean residues should be evenly spread across the field during harvest to ensure uniform seeding depth (1.5 inches). Do not plant into soils that are too wet and monitor planting depth when the soil is hard and dry.