The following projects were conducted on farms and research branch stations by Ohio State University Extension professionals and peer reviewed by two reviewers.
Cold Front Planting Timing – Corn (Cold Front 1)
Impacts from Fall Strip-Till Using Swine and Dairy Manure on Corn Germination, Emergence and Yield
Corn Yield Response to Nitrogen Rate after a Red Clover Cover Crop
Cold Front Planting Timing – Corn (Cold Front 2)
Nitrogen Rate after Alfalfa
Effect of Manure Application Methods on Corn Yields: Three-Year Summary
Comparing Corn Yields of Fields Side-dressed with 28% UAN Versus Swine Finishing Manure
Nitrogen Rate on Corn following Wheat
In-Crop Applications of N-P Fertilizers to Supply Corn N Needs
Cold Front Planting Timing – Soybeans (Cold Front 2)
Soybean Planting Speed Trial
Effect of Planting Date on Soybean Yield
Cold Front Planting Timing - Soybeans (Cold Front 1)
Effect of Relative Maturity on Soybean Yield
Effect of Foliar Fungicide, Foliar Insecticide, and Wheel Traffic on Soybean Yield
Soybean Yield Response to Foliar Fungicide and Boron with Nitrogen Blend
Soybean Yield Response to Foliar Fungicide and Boron