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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Soybean Varieties Targeted for Soybean Rust Resistance

    plots (beginning this month) to take advantage of soybean rust arriving late in fields, if it shows in ...

  2. FACT Field Day

    This free certification program will meet the certification requirements for those with and without a pesticide license. Pre-registration is required. You can register by calling Amanda Bennett at 937-440-3945 or Suzanne at 937-224-9654. See attached flie ...

  3. 2015 Field Trial Pictures and Results

    Angelonia Summer Snapdragon Begonia Browallia Calibrachoa Cleome Spider Plant Dahlia Diascia Euphoria graminea Hibiscus acetosella Impatiens Ipomeoa Istomia Lantana Lobelia Nemesia Pansiola Petunia Phlox Portulaca Salvia Sedium Solenostemon Coleus Verbena ...

  4. Beef and Forage Field Night


  5. Field Day

    Registration begins at 9:30 am, Lunch will be served at 12:00 pm. RSVP to: OSU Extension 740-474-7534 Where: Estadt Angus Farm- Near Derby Ohio. Located One mile south of the intersection of London Rd and US Route 62, near Rennick Rd. Event entrance will ...

  6. OSU Researcher Giving Turkeys a Stronger Leg to Stand On

    to measure bone strength in poultry can also have practical applications in other scientific fields ...

  7. Strategies to Help Control Mastitis to be Discussed at Dairy Conference

    put them out in the field and just make sure they are happy and content. But we know now that we do ...

  8. Western Bean Cutworm Monitored in Ohio Again This Year

    throughout the growing season. "We are visiting fields again where suspected damage might occur, and ...

  9. CD Wire- June 16, 2014

    we had 12 people involved in 6 of the 31 sessions (including two posters) over the three days. I know ... Program is hosting a workshop Monday, July 28, through Wednesday, July 30, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day ... to School Newsletter (June 2014) Urban Agriculture booming in Ohio (Center for Crop Diversification ...

  10. High Fuel Costs, Low Rust Fears Driving Shift in Crop Plantings

    Historically, we would expect corn prices for a new crop to trade somewhere in the area of $2.05 to $2.10 ...
