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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension



Search results

  1. Chow Line: Make your salad as healthful as possible (for 5/17/09)

    and more fat than you should eat in a day-- a surprise to many people who think they're choosing ...

  2. Chow Line: Infants, toddlers at risk for low iron (for 1/20/08)

    iron-fortified cereal two or more times a day. Don't feed your baby milk (cow, goat or soy milk) until he or ...

  3. Chow Line: No need to scream over ice cream (for 6/27/10)

    to 100 milligrams). Adults need 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day. As with anything we eat, ...

  4. Communiqué August 1, 2012

    written and unwritten rules occurs every day in the office and outside the office. Not only do the unit ... have often turned to a neighboring educator; Linnette Goard, our field specialist in food safety, or ...

  5. Ornamental Plant Disease New to Ohio Poses Threat to Daylilies

    period, infecting leaves two to three days after inoculation. In addition, it can not only germinate on ...

  6. Gypsy Moth Populations Increasing in Ohio

    conditions are right. "It rained almost every day in those areas from mid-May through mid-June, keeping ...

  7. Beef Symposium Targets Marketing Tools

    tools currently available to Ohio and nearby cattlemen, the objective of this two-day program will be to ...

  8. OSU Extension Workshops to Aid in Transition Planning

    Kline, (330) 264-8722. The registration fee for attending the two-day workshop is $75 for the first ...

  9. Ohio MarketMaker Officially Launches; Resource Offers Access to Local, Fresh Foods

    "We serve 25,000 to 30,000 meals a day, so sometimes it's a challenge to meet and maintain that ...

  10. Southern Ohio to See 17-Year Periodical Cicadas

    "dog days of summer." The largest populations of Brood XIV periodical cicadas are anticipated to ...
