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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Communiqué August 1, 2012

    employment. It is a comprehensive approach focused on welcoming, engaging, equipping, and building ... across the three states with a focus on developing research and outreach programs related to food ... 25attendees from each university, select that option for a “free registration.” If you have any questions, ...

  2. International Researchers & Ohio State Faculty Collaborate to Improve Food Security, Carry on the Legacy of Norman Borlaug

    At OARDC, Mostofa examined the genetic makeup of a variety of bacteria in an effort to identify types ...

  3. 2017-20


  4. Chow Line: Mediterranean-style diet has benefits (for 6/20/10)

    and seasoned simply, without sauces or gravies, but instead focus on: Plant-based foods, with just ...

  5. Theses and Dissertations

    effects on gray leaf spot and yield of hybrid corn as influenced by application timing, hybrid ... 2008 PhD Plant Pathology Seed and seedling disease of corn and soybean in Ohio: the role of Fusarium ...

  6. Assessment- SLOS- Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics

    Agricultural, Environmental and Development EconomicS Programs Undergraduate Agribusiness and Applied Economics Bachelor of Science in Agriculture AGBUSAE- BS   Graduate Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics Master of Science AEDECON- MS A ...

  7. Assessment- SLOS- Plant Pathology

    Plant PathologY Programs Undergraduate Plant Health Management Bachelor of Science in Agriculture PLHLTHM- BS Plant Pathology Bachelor of Science in Agriculture PLNTPTH- BS   Graduate Plant Pathology Master of Science PLNTPTH- MS Plant Pathology Doctor of ...

  8. Assessment- SLOS- Horticulture and Crop Science

    Horticulture and Crop Science Programs Undergraduate Professional Golf Management Bachelor of Science in Agriculture PGM- BS Sustainable Plant Systems Bachelor of Science in Agriculture SPS- BS   Graduate Horticulture and Crop Science Master of Science HC ...

  9. Assessment- SLOS- Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering

    Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Programs Undergraduate Agricultural Systems Management Bachelor of Science in Agriculture AGMSYS- BS Construction Systems Management Bachelor of Science Construction Systems Management CONSYM- BSC Food, Agricu ...

  10. Assessment- SLOS- Food Science and Technology

    Food Science and Technology Programs Undergraduate Culinary Science Bachelor of Science in Agriculture CULSCI- BS Food Business Management Bachelor of Science in Agriculture FDBUSMG- BS Food Science and Technology Bachelor of Science in Food Science FDSCT ...
