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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Understanding Ecological Processes in Channelized Headwater Systems is a Key to Ecosystem Protection while Maintaining Crop Production

    Investigators: Andy Ward, Lance Williams, Marsha Williams, Ed Herricks, David Allan, Jennifer Janssen Project Overview: An interdisciplinary and multi-institutional team of scientists and engineers located at the University of Illinois, University of Mich ...

  2. CD Wire- December 3, 2012

    “read more” link. This statement does not show up in the Weekly View or Monthly View, but it does appear ...

  3. Strength of Wheat Crop Being Questioned

    not a brown or yellow color," he said. One thing growers need to look for is damage to the plants ...

  4. Indicated ARC-CO and PLC Payment for 2014 Crop Year Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat by State: January 2015

    Carl Zulauf Policy brief Thursday, January 22, 2015 ARC-CO and PLC Estimated Payment- States- Jan 2015- Zulauf Schnitkey Kim.pdf ...

  5. Newly Named Chadwick Director Sees Arboretum as Campus Unifier

    Arboretum not only showcases plant varieties successful in Ohio, but it is also home to a number of ...

  6. Gypsy Moth Caterpillar Resembles Other Caterpillar Pests

    maple, elm and basswood, among others. Despite its name, the forest tent caterpillar does not produce ...

  7. A Green Solution to Storm Water Management

    rain events. Contour planting is not a new concept. It's a common practice in agriculture to ...

  8. August 25, 2015

    Welcome back Buckeyes!! ...

  9. Productive Efficiency and the Scope for Cooperation in Polygynous Households


  10. Using the Weather to Control Dollar Spot

    mystery remains as to what the pathogen is doing when it's not causing symptoms. "We are trying ...
