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January 9, 2017
Department of Animal Sciences Hosts Meat Judging Contest Nov. 7
Animal Sciences alumni are invited to the Buckeye Classic Meat Juding Contest  9 to 11:30 a.m. Nov. 7 at the Meat Lab in the Animal Sciences Building, 2029 Fyffe Rd. Details can be found here. ...
Communiqué February 18, 2015
a "natural born" salesperson? Research shows that when you build on your strengths, you get the best ... mission allows the employee to utilize her or his gifts and strengths to perform at his or her best at ...
4-H Newsletters
Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists Hosting Upcoming Course
This spring citizens interested in developing their knowledge and skills in the area of Ohio’s environment and natural history and apply what they learn through service to local parks, museums, nature centers, and arboretums will have the chance to do so! ...
2015 Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection Webinar
2 0 1 5  Cor n,  S o y b e a n a n d Wh e a t  C o n n e ct io n W e b ina r P r o g r a m s  The live presentation will be at 10:00-11:30 am on dates listed below at the link The programs will be recorded ...
High Input Costs, Cheap Equipment: Finding the Value in Precision Agriculture Technology
value to the farm in the form of higher input savings and a greater net return. "The primary ...
2013 Newsletters
January February March April May June July August September October November December  ...